Bonus Chapter 2- William Young

Start from the beginning

Around 17 weeks, she began to show. It was amazing to watch, and I begged her to let us download that app that shows how big the baby is. She caved and we tracked what size fruit our baby was each week. The second trimester was my favorite because damn was she horny. There were days where we would fuck at least three times. My dick started to get fatigued, but we powered through. Having sex with my hot, pregnant wife was definitely not a chore. I started baseball season but when I wasn't at practice or in press conferences, I was by her side. I didn't miss a single doctor's appointment, yoga session, or fake contraction. When the end of March rolled around, I began to struggle with leaving her for road games.

Around 22 weeks, her parents, who were newly retired, decided to come out to Los Angeles and stay with Lexi while I was on the east coast for a seven-day road trip. I was hesitant to even go but she reassured me many other athletes have pregnant wives at home. I felt better when her boss agreed to let her start working from home because her nausea was coming in waves. I called her every morning and facetimed her every night until she fell asleep in our bed. I longed to be beside her but truthfully, I think she needed a break from me. I'm excited to be a dad, sue me.

When I got back from the road trip, we decided to find out the sex of the baby together. I wasn't hoping for one gender over the other, just a healthy baby. When the technician rubbed that cold gel over her belly, we saw our baby.... and his penis.

"It's a boy!" I shouted and reached down to kiss her. It started out as a slow, sweet kiss, but like I said, Lexi's horny as fuck in this trimester and I had to break away from her, leaving her breathless. "Wait until we get home." I whispered into her ear.

But something hit me. "Um, doc?" I asked, as she took off her gloves and washed her hands. "I know it's safe for us to still have sex but will baby the remember it? I don't want to scar him before he's even in the world."

He certainly doesn't need to remember me calling his mom's pussy tight as fuck or that I want to spank her until she's screaming my name.

Lexi's mouth dropped and she swatted at my arm. "Mason, stop it. Of course, he can't hear you."

The doctor laughed and reassured us she gets asked this all the time. "He can hear you but he won't remember what you're saying. It would be best if you both started talking to him so he can get used to the sound of your voices."

I'm pretty sure that was the moment Lexi hated our doctor because every night I would have her lay on the couch while I laid right next to her stomach and talked to our son for a few minutes. On road trips I made her hold the phone on her stomach so I could talk to him. When I would come home, we'd spend the weekends and my off days decorating the nursery. A baby blue was picked to paint the walls and I scolded Lexi once or twice about being in the room with paint fumes. I know she wanted to help but neither her nor our son need to breathing in that shit. I stationed her in a chair outside the room with a fan so she wouldn't smell it. She's lucky I didn't make her wear a mask.

The third trimester came around quicker than I thought it would however Lexi would disagree. I made sure to massage her feet every night, have the heating pad ready for whenever our little guy was positioned on her bladder, and counted her through her deep breathing exercises. It became harder to leave her and her parents ended up staying longer than just a few weeks. Not that I minded, it made me feel better knowing she wasn't alone. But now I want her to come to one last home game before he's born.

"It's okay baby don't cry." I say, shooing her. I know it can't be easy on her considering she's 38 weeks but she barely looks pregnant. She continued to work out the entire time and unless she's wearing a snug shirt, you can't even tell.

"I'm massive. I look like a bowling ball." she says wiping her eyes.

"Do you want me to find something else for you to wear?" I ask, hoping she says no. I had this jersey specially made for her that has our last name on the back and on the front it says Dodgers and Dodgers newest fan on her bump.

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