First phase

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A new romantic relationshipis complicated by itself. Now imagine that you are human and Taelon, and not only are there differences between you, but also an attentive Implant and perhaps a Synod.


I think it's clear that English is not my first language. Translating Da'an POV was very complicated for me.
In my language I refer to Da'an as 'it', which works well, but I don't know how to translate it correctly into English. I apologize.
If anyone would like to take on the correction, it would be greatly appreciated.

The first thing that greeted him when he woke up was the ceiling of his own office, for he had fallen asleep on the sofa here the night before, and for a good and pleasant reason that immediately put a smile on his lips.

Truth was, he didn't remember everything very clearly, which was unusual for him, given the CVI. In Da'an's opinion, though, it wasn't surprising. Even the CVI couldn't have developed and refined Boone's brain enough to allow him to comprehend all that the Taelon mind and existence contained. It was as vast, shifting and complex as... as the galaxy itself. A human, especially one equipped with CVI, could grasp some of the basic principles of operation, could learn much about individual stars and systems, could marvel at the beauty, but could not really comprehend the galaxy as a whole. That was simply impossible.

The irony was that Da'an viewed his mind with the same fascination, even though it was more like a small corner of the universe no bigger than the solar system compared to Da'an. And that was simply an undeniable fact. If he was only counting memories, his forty years were a mere fraction of what Da'an's memory held.

But none of that prevented Da'an from touching his mind in a deep awe and with an eagerness that startled Boon at first.

The very idea of letting someone into his mind was something abstract and frightening in itself. He thought that everything he was, every thought, emotion, memory and feeling, would be revealed whether he wanted it to or not. That Da'an would be able to know in an instant everything that made him the individual he was. And that made him fearful for many reasons, but not the least of which was the revelation of the depth of his involvement with the Resistance or their future activities. He was sure... he felt... that was why Da'an didn't want to know him.

He was afraid of revealing his feelings himself, without being able to determine what, how, and when he would make them known.

But Da'an was so sincere in her desire that he gave in and let her in, prepared to be overwhelmed by her, without exaggeration, awareness, and so surprised by the gentleness with which she entered. And in addition to her immense curiosity and desire to know him... just him and him alone... she brought with her a tenderness, a sense of belonging, a deep concern for Boone's well-being, but also a fear and caution with which she treaded slowly. All he had to do was resist a little, just wish he wouldn't go any further, and Da'an would back down without the slightest hesitation, even if his mind was strong enough to literally crush Boone's.

He just didn't find the willingness or ability to do such a thing in Da'an. Not even a hint of emotions such as anger, hatred, vengefulness, or a desire to harm for his own pleasure or to gain power. Nor did any ill will come through the tens of thousands, or perhaps millions, of distant mental galaxies that were connected somewhere at the edge of Da'an's consciousness by thin threads of thought.

He hadn't found out why the Taelons had come, Da'an had carefully hidden that from him, and Boone hadn't even tried to look, but he was sure they hadn't come with the intention of harming or subjugating humanity just for the feeling of domination or to exploit humanity in some way.

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