"Lisa...." He muttered fluttering his eyes in shock..
It was real!!!!
The man in front of me is George, the man I loved so much...
Does it mean that once again, we are together??..after it all seemed impossible..does it means I can now stay with the man I love in peace...
Oh, God!!.. I'm going crazy!!
A wide smiled escaped my lips as i walked closer to where he sat, Fred and Rose really did this for me???..they brought us together safely...
wow!!..my heart won't stop beating very fast..
"George, are you the one I'd be living with?" I gasped fidgeting as i stare at his cute face which had captured my heart years ago...
He smiled and stood up walking over to me..
He held my palm softly staring into my eyes, his face became drawn with his eyes going dim, he seemed to be feeling guilt..
"I don't deserve you, I feels so ashamed to stand in front of you now...how could I allow you suffer, I couldn't save you and Rose from Xavier...does that make me a man??..doesn't it show I'm useless" He breathed and wagged his head looking away from my eyes..
I could see how regretful he was..
"George, it isn't your fault...I understand, Xavier was more prepared so he took the upper hand, but I believe he would be brought down very soon.." I smiled and held his chin bringing his gaze back to my face...
"Wait...Xavier allowed your memories??..I thought he would erase it?" He asked.
"It never crossed his mind that a day like this would come, he never cared to attack our memories because he was in a rush that day....so George, how had you been faring?" I asked caressing his soft cheek..
"It was a terrible moment back then, it was that moment I pray never to come again, do you know how my heart shredded into tiny piece hearing you were killed in the furnace??...I felt my life useless, I got no reason to stay alive again...." He paused and smiled..
"If you had been dead..I would also kill Xavier if my life, I can't live with the guilt of being the reason why you died.." He cooed and held my palm to his cheek..
"Rose and a man called Fred arranged this place for us, they want us to stay away from trouble, they want a peaceful moment for us..." I muttered..
"Fred???..that name sounds familiar..I think I have heard it somewhere.." He arched his brow.
"He had been of great help to me and Rose since we were sent away...but...George, I'm afraid my daughter would end up in a painful heartbreak, did your son stamp that file??" I asked with a heavy breath.
"He may have done that already, it was set to be done by 8:00..I was unable to attend because I was abducted to this place.." He sighed.
"Isn't there anything that can be done to revoke the marriage??..my daughter love your foster son so much, can she bear it??" I swallowed hard feeling sorry for my daughter...
"Where is she now?" He asked.
"She left to meet Bryan and the other, Fred is also with her..I could have stopped her but she didn't notify me before leaving, I was able to know after reading the letter she dropped.." I explained.
"She left to meet Bryan knowing the implications, isn't she aware of what would happen to her??..Xavier would kill her!!!" He growled clenching his fist.
"She is so determined to fight him, your son and the other wants to put a stop to his evil manipulation, I just hope they survive because we can't live like a slave forever!" I breathed..
"I also wants this all to end, I want to love a free live with you, I want my son and your daughter to live together without fear or fight, but how??..how can we stop Xavier??..he got many things against us..his power and fame is an advantage to him!!" He sighed in exasperation before slumping on the couch..
"I believe he can be brought down, let be at ease...if after all that Xavier did, fate could still bring us together, then...don't you think it would be the same for them??.." I smiled and he looked up to me.
"Xavier has a video which can destroy me if it gets out..remember that girl raped and killed, he got the video and my face shows in there, I wasn't the culprit but no one would believe because of my face showing at the scene..." He mumbled shutting his eyes with deep breath..
"He manipulated you, he controlled your life, he wants to turn you to nothing..I'm sure he gonna pay!!..Fred seem to know some secret about him..let's just watch how things turns out!" I cooed and sat beside him...
"I'm just afraid of the future, how would it be like??..would it be a happy ending??" He asked in a low tone....
Just then the TV turned on automatically for News updates..
We both turned to it and got the greatest shock....
My head spined as I felt a rush of adrenalin run through me,
What I saw was much of impossibility, it looked so unreal and I would never believe if George didn't see it too..
We both glanced at each other with a widened eyes..
"Is that Xavier being cuffed???" We both asked in unison..
"I'm I hallucinating or what??" I asked under my breath.
"Ma'am, its true..Xavier was arrested this morning!" Someone said from behind and we both turned sharply....
It was one of the maid..
"Sir, ma..a video was released on the verge of the marriage certification, it shows Xavier forcing his daughter into raping Bryan while under a drug influence sprayed on her body by him.." She explained leaving me startled..
"Someone hacked into the camera and got the video, of shows Xavier forcing her into it, Sophia wasn't pregnant because she was having a sheath on, the stunt was pulled to make Bryan marry her, the video was brought by Jace and Clara..it really saved Bryan from the marriage" she added leaving my heart leaping in deep joy...
I shut my eyes feeling happiness within, Xavier had been given a heavy blow, his name which he cared for and won't want to be defame had been tarnished...
I turned to George and could see the huge smile..
"Finally someone did it!!!..someone shattered that name which he wants to keep, how then can he win the election for Governor!!!.. Oh yes!!!" He squealed and hugged me tightly..
"It is just a matter of time, those children would bring his a**s to the mud, I trust my Rose!" I muttered hugging him more closely..
"I trust my Bryan...even if Xavier comes out of the prison, he would be badly affected and can't act rashly, anyone who got the video deserve the best..I promise to change his life later..." He said and pecked my lips..
"What was that for?" I asked with a cheesy smile..
"It was for the happiness, Rose can still be with Bryan, let's keep out mind at ease like you say...those kids are capable, they won't be controlled like us, Xavier would be brought down by them!!" He laughed and I joined him...
"Let's get something to eat, after that...we would take a tour, it has been many years...." He smiled and I nodded..
He carried me in a bridal style leaving me laughing as I hit his chest playfully...
"Your beauty couldn't diminish a bit even after the suffering, it becomes more obvious this time...watch how I spoil you, that's your punishment for marrying another man..." He deadpanned..
"What would you do??" I asked rolling my eyes..
"I would cook for you, I would feed you, I would bath you and....." He paused and chuckled..
"And what????.." I asked anxiously..
"Its a secret!!..you would only know it later, I just feel like carrying you forever, who knows you may get lost again.." He chirped and my heart skipped in that intense feeling...
I stared at his eyes with was glistening, it has never changed, nothing changed...
George still loves me so much, I thought he had moved on back then, I must be totally mistaken!!!..
Rose's POV
"Sophia replied me!!!!!!!" Fred's voice reverberated through the building as he came running towards me holding his phone in his hand....
His eyes was shimmering and exuded happiness...
It had been just some hours since we reside into a hotel to spend the night..
We had gotten to Korea late at night so we got to lodge a hotel..
I had been in my room hugging my pillow tightly thinking of no one than Bryan, you can't tell how my heart pound at the thought of meeting him again...
It had been few weeks we got separated but it seemed like a year to me, I badly wants to see his cute face again, I long for his sweet and charming smile, his heartwarming hug...
Just everything about him makes me go gaga...
I can't wait to meet him.
I was about to fall asleep before Fred made that scream which didn't only woke me up but also made me cringe off the bed...
"She replied my message!!!" He squealed again jumping on the bed where I sat...
I had never seen him this happy...
"Who replied your message??..that person should have waited till the next day, now it had taken my sleep..." I whined rolling my eyes..
"What???..if she had waited till tomorrow, I won't receive it..." He squeaked and stared at his phone intently as huge smile crossed over his lips...
"She???..are you talking of Sophia?" I asked and he turned to me with a short laugh...
"She is the one, look at the message!" He said and handed the phone to me..
I read it and smiled..
"You would protect her??..why not just tell her I love you..." I teased with a chuckle..
"That message took me a lot to type...you can't believe I was gasping for breath while writing it, I never knew she would reply it so soon, she even wants to meet me....oh!!!" He gasped and fell on the bed looking up to the ceiling..
"Does it means it can still work out??" He asked rhetorically..
"You saved her from getting married to Bryan by sending that video to Jace, do you know how grateful she would be???" I said with a lopsided smile..
"I'm surely gonna meet her, but...you would help me arrange it please, its hard to meet a star like her so easily.." He breathed.
"When are we meeting them?" I asked and he sat up abruptly..
"Tomorrow..I had said two days later but, I don't think I can wait much longer, who knows Sophia may forget me if I don't meet her sooner.." He mumbled with his eyes shut..
"Fine...can I sleep now??" I asked with a smile, here is Fred truly in love with Sophia not minding her flaws..
I could remember when Sophia was a pain on my neck, I never knew she was being manipulated, her life is so complicated and tiring now.
She must have passed through a lot from her father, I'm sure her life would also be at stake....
Here is Fred who is ready to get her heart at any risk, he couldn't wait for a week again, even when he knew how dangerous it was to come out back to Korean..
He was ready to make the sacrifice for Sophia.
I guess they may be fated to be together..
"Before I'd allow you sleep, promise you would help me meet her, with the help of Bryan, I can meet her...so you guys should arrange it for me, I may be nothing but I'm sure of my feelings for her, it never dies away..." He sighed hugging the pillow more closely...
"As far as you help and save her, protect her, and make her become free again, she would fall for you, at least she replied your message because you said you'd protect her so...don't go back on your word.." I said and he squeaked jumping off the bed..
"I would help to fight Xavier...those videos can bring him down but...I should act rashly, my life may be taken down with him..I'm afraid to die, I don't want to die..it would means Sophia won't... "
"Fred....no one is dying, we all got to live so..don't talk of death, Sophia would be yours!" I said and he nodded with a huge smiles...
"Have a blissful sleep!!" I squeaked and ran off..
"Make sure you sleep and don't have sleepless night thinking of her!!!!!" I screamed at the overjoyed Fred....
He could only laugh as he slam the door..
Just tomorrow, I would walk to you,
My fears for Xavier had suddenly vanished.
I wasn't wearing a mask, there is no need hiding my face when I would still be with Bryan anytime, anywhere. ..
Laying on the bed, my heart beat more faster, I was too anxious to meet Bryan....
Bryan's POV.
The alarm the third time before I decided to sat up from the bed..
I was a but dizzy out of yesterday's merriment, we had drank and celebrated our victory, even if Xavier may fight back but one thing is certain...
There is no way I'd marry Sophia again, it has crossed over the country how we had no feelings for each other...
It was Jace and Clara that saved us but there us someone who was the mastermind, the sender of that video..
I just wish he would show his face...
Today, I would be going to school, the school press must surely have a lot of question to ask, I would even tell them about Rose being alive....
I stepped out of the bed and felt a rush of shudder run down my spine, the feeling came strangely...all of a sudden, I felt that I would be seeing Rose today..
How possible is that???
Just then, Sophia walked in dressed for school...
"Bryan, you already know that Rose is alive right??" She asked and I nodded.
"Have you found out anything about that anonymous person who sent that video to Jace?" She asked with much enthusiasm..
"No, he is untraceable" I replied and she sighed..
"I don't know if they are the same, but a professional computer operator message me, he promised to save me saying he is a fan who long to be with me, he also said he wanted me to smile always...I just don't understand clearly...are they the same person?"she asked and my brow arched..
"Where is the message?" I asked.
"It was erased to avoid being tracked, guess he is hiding his location just as he did in sending that video, they would probably be the same person..." She muttered thoughtfully..
"Sophia..." I called out with a short laugh...
"You are the reason why he sent that video, he loved you and was ready to keep taking risk, he may be hiding from Xavier or someone, have you tried to contact him??" I asked..
"I requested we meet but got no reply before the message went off.." She answered.
"If you meet him, what would you do?" I asked and she smiled for the first time since she came..
"If I should meet this man who saved me from that bondage...." She paused him covered her face as she giggled..
"What is it??" I asked and she giggled the more...
"He said he loved me and long to see me every second...maybe I would fulfil his wish.." She replied slowly still smiling from ear to ear..
"Fine....I'm getting ready for school, are we going together?" I asked and she shrugged..
"There is no need for that...see you in school!!" She waved and scurried off..
Wow..finally she changed for the better...
Clara's POV...
I walked out of the house heading to school, Jace would be coming by very soon to drive me to school...
I had my bag clutched to my back as I locked the door...
Turning to leave, I saw the greatest shock ever..
Right in from of me was Rose looking more than beautiful with a sweet smile...
"Rose!!!!!" I screamed and hugged her tightly...
"How has you been??" We asked in chorus...
"I hope you aren't hurt by that scvmbag!" She seethed..
"Don't mention him here...I want to shock Bryan, finally I'm back with you guys, so how is your boyfriend??" I asked and she chuckled before pointing behind me..
I turned and there was Jace standing transfixed in shock as he stared at me...
"Rose can never die or be separated from Bryan... Jace I hope you had been taking care of her??" I smiled and her gave me a tight hug..
"Thank God you are really alive...let's go and meet Bryan, he hadn't been himself without you..." He chirped and I nodded before hoping into the car...
Bryan's POV..
After hours later, the chaos and uproar died down..
Since I came to school, a the girls had went gaga, screaming and shrieking for my attention...
It has been long I was seen, they must have missed me so badly...
I sat in the class thinking of how to find Rose, all the student won't stop gazing at me...
They can't tell if Rose is alive or really dead, many things had happened recently....
Just then, Clara and Jace walked in with a wide smile..
"Hey what is the smiles for?" I asked with an arched brow..
It turned into chuckles which even brought tears off their eyes...
I wonder what is this happiness for??
"Jace what....." I paused as I heard some noise from outside...
I looked around on confusion...
"Clara can you......"
"Rose!!!!!!!!!!" A student screamed and everyone went crazy...
My eyes widened,
I was still trying to understand what is going on when someone walked in increasing the screams...
I raised my gaze only to see my Rose flower looking so s£xy and beautiful than ever as she smiled at me...
Is this a dream??

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