Chapter 22

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My baby is due today so now Chris is taking me to the hospital . We think we're ready to be parents I can't wait to meet my son . His name is Chris Jr (Cj) . We got all of my things and the baby's things packed into the bag . Chris went out and bought him the new Jordans that came out . I can already tell he's gonna be a sneakerhead like his parents. Ever since I was a little girl I've been dreaming of having a family of my own one day & that day finally came . After the baby is born Chris & I will go back to school and he's gonna get a job to support us all . I feel like my family's almost complete . Chris proposed to me 💍. We're getting married in the summer just a simple wedding nothing to expensive or fancy . Mia got out of the hospital the other day and she's at home with Nick & Kaniyah . Their supposed to be coming to the hospital in a few . We finally arrived at the hospital minutes later. Chris helped me out of the car & we went to the front desk . The receptionist gave me my room and put me in a wheelchair . I got settled into my bed then Mia came into the room cradling Kaniyah in her arms . Hey baby momma Mia said . Hey I replied . I put my arms out to hold Kaniyah . Mia handed her over , Hi auntie's baby how is my chinka butt she giggled . I held her for a while longer. Is this what motherhood feels likes I asked Mia Yes omg it's amazing once you hold them you automatically get attached to them it's like wow I helped make this beautiful creation she replied . I can't wait to have CJ I said excitedly . Just then I felt something wet between my legs my water had just broke . Mia ran out the room to give Kaniyah to Nick . Chris got his camera ready . He alerted the doctors I was ready for labor . The doctors came in , propped my leg up into the air . Mia walked back into the room with her camera in her hand . I started having contractions the pain got unbearable they gave me an epidural for the pain. It's time to push Cassidy the doctor said to me . I started pushing as hard as I could . Come on baby push you can do it Chris motivated . Nigga shut yo ass up you did this bs to me yo pull out game weak I yelled out loud . He looked embarrassed but it was true . Mia laughed . Yas baby momma push push girl she cheered Ugh AHHHHH i screamed . Finally I heard my baby boy crying they carried him over there to clean him off . Then wrapped him into a blanket and handed baby Cj to me. You did good baby Chris kissed my forehead . I was exhausted but it was worth it my baby boy was finally in the world after 9 hard tiring months. Aww look at my nephew Mia cooed . My son is beautiful Chris said I seen a tear escape is eye. Then Nick & Kaniyah came into the room . Mia took Kaniyah out of Nick's hands. Aye can a scoop lil man up Nick asked I laughed Yes I handed Cj to Nick . Cj started wining so Nick gave him back to me . We started laughing at Nick because of how fast he handed me the baby back . For the rest of the day I enjoyed my now complete family .

Aw baby Cj has finally been born I hope you like it might update a little tomorrow.

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