The break up(Self harm and suicide)

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R.A- red among us impostor
A- ash
Rick- Rick astley

*Ash arriving at R.A's house with a sad expresión, ready to tell them the news*

R.A to A* "hey babe! What's wrong? You don't seem so good"

A to R.A* "I'm just gonna get straight to the point. I'm sorry, but I feel like I do nothing but worry you and make everything worse for you. So we are breaking up."

*Red among us starts crying*

R.A-"w-why.... I thought you loved me... I don't want to loose someone as important to me as you..."

A-"sorry, I'm so sorry...." *runs away*

*3 days later.*

Rick-"ash, did you hear the news? It must be hard on you."

A-"what news..? I haven't heard anything."
Rick-"oh... well.. red among us committed suicide."

A-"w-w-wait what...? I... It's.. all my fault..."
*starts having a breakdown*

Rick-"I feel so so sorry for you. Bye now."

*Rick Leaves while playing never gonna give you up on a loud speaker*

*ash grabs a knife and begins cutting himself with no intent to die*

*2 years later*

Rick- "hey ash, don't you think you should move on? I think he would've wanted you to move on and live a good life."

A-"I don't know.. maybe I will."

Rick-"I'll even try to help you!!"

A- "o-o-oh, okay! Thank you so much!!!"

Huggy wuggy x ash Ketchum Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon