Chapter 18

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This chapter will pick up where chapter 17 of Artemis left off and will finish that arc. Hope you like it.

"Are you sure you want to do this Ollie?" Thea asked as Maseo led them into the building Ra's was holed up in.

"I beat him once, I can do it again. Especially since now I am even more skilled than I was last time I killed him." Oliver whispered back to her.

"I hope so, since I don't think I can handle losing you again." Thea said and Oliver nodded as Maseo led them into Ra's chamber.

"You have brought outsiders and enemies into our stronghold. You'd better have a good reason, Sarab." Ra's said without turning to face them.

"He brought us here to repay his debt to me." Oliver said as Ra's actually turned to face him.

"Well, well, Oliver Queen. The man who survived purgatory. My daughter Talia told me about you. But why would you seek me out?" Ra's asked.

"To keep you from coming after my family. I challenge you for the title of Ra's in trial by combat. Do you accept or will you have your underlings fight your battles for you like a coward?" Oliver asked and Ra's glared at him.

"If you truly wish to leave your daughter without a father, I can oblige you." Ra's said and Oliver glared at him, since any hesitation he had about killing Ra's before, it was gone now that Ra's had mentioned his daughter.

"You just wasted any chance of me showing you mercy." Oliver said as he and Ra's both removed their shirts.

"You really believe that you'll be able to defeat me? My daughter Talia may have trained you, but I am the one who trained her." Ra's said as Oliver was handed a sword.

"If I were you, I'd take a sword instead of relying on the idea that you'll be able to take mine." Oliver said, since he was far more skilled now than he was the first time he'd tried to fight Ra's.

"You overestimate your abilities." Ra's said.

"More like you underestimate me." Oliver said as one of the other assassins signaled for the fight to begin and to Ra's surprise, Oliver's first strike wasn't a clumsy lunge like he was expecting, but this strike was swift and efficient and Ra's barely managed to dodge in time. Clearly Oliver was more skilled than he gave him credit for.

"I see it's not just a bow that you're a master with." Ra's said as he grabbed a sword of his own.

"Mastery of only one weapon can lead to dangerous mistakes. I thought you of all people would realize that." Oliver said as they began to fight properly, their blades clashing in a sort of perfect harmony, sparks flying as their duel commenced and Oliver couldn't help but roll his eyes at the grin on Ra's face as they fought.

"You're actually enjoying this aren't you?" Oliver asked as they fought.

"Indeed I am, for it has been too long since I've had a worthy challenge." Ra's said with a grin, since honestly, the last time he'd felt this invigorated in a fight was back when he'd attempted to kill Damien Darhk after he'd been chosen as the Demon's heir.

"I'm glad you're enjoying yourself. It means that you'll enjoy your final battle." Oliver said he decided that he'd had enough of this fight and quickly kicked Ra's feet out from under him and grabbed his sword and held both blades at Ra's throat.

"Go ahead, ask for mercy. Ask me to spare your life. Either way, your reign is over." Oliver said.

"I would rather die than surrender to a fool like you." Ra's said, still unable to believe he'd been defeated.

"Fine." Oliver said, thinking that he'd need to keep tabs on Talia to make sure that she wouldn't attempt to kill him again for this, before he tossed the blade he'd stolen from Ra's aside and then proceeded to once again shove his blade through Ra's chest, watching the life leave his opponent's eyes as he died before releasing the swords hilt and allowing Ra's to fall the ground lifelessly, the sword still in his chest as Oliver then proceeded to remove the ring of the demon's head from his opponent's hand and placed it on his own.

"Bow before the new Ra's al Ghul." Oliver said as every member of the League, including Maseo, did so.

"What is your wish, my liege?" one of the assassins said.

"While it is unconventional, I am appointing a proxy to lead in my place, since I have too many responsibilities back home to abandon them to move to Nanda Parbat. Rise Sarab." Oliver said as Maseo rose.

"I hereby dub you Yad al Shaytan, the Demon's hand. You will serve as the league's leader in my absence and your word will be as good as mine, though I will be able to overrule you if need be." Oliver said.

"I am honored to carry out your will." Maseo said and Oliver smiled.

"I still expect you and the League to answer my call should I send it. And I expect you all to show him the same respect you'd show me." Oliver said as all the other members of the League nodded, since while they weren't exactly thrilled about this arrangement, they knew better than to challenge the will of Ra's.

"Do you have any commands for us now?" Maseo asked.

"You and the League are to return to Nanda Parbat immediately and you will only kill those who deserve it, hold true to the original principles of the league. However, my first true command as Ra's is to order the destruction of the Lazarus Pit." Oliver said, much to their surprise.

"Are you sure about this?" Maseo asked.

"The price the pit exacts is too great. It drove my predecessor mad and I will not allow it to do the same thing to anyone else." Oliver said, making it clear that this decision was final.

"Very well. The pit will be destroyed after we return to Nanda Parbat." Maseo agreed as the rest of the League nodded in agreement as they clearly got the message that they were dismissed and began preparing to leave Ivy Town.

After ensuring that the League was gone, Oliver packed his bags so he could finally return to his family in Star City, though not before he said good bye to Thea.

"I'm gonna miss you Ollie." Thea said as they arrived at Oliver's car.

"I'm only a couple hours away and you are going to visit some more to see your niece. Jasmine loves her aunt Thea." Oliver said and Thea nodded.

"Of course. And I have to admit, there are days I miss being a part of Team Arrow." Thea said and Oliver chuckled.

"We miss you too Speedy, but it's clear that Ivy Town needs you. It's lucky to have a hero like you to protect it." Oliver said and Thea smiled.

"Well, I learned from the best. And I don't go in alone." Thea said and Oliver chuckled.

"Yeah, you've got a solid team behind you and you clearly learned that the mission doesn't have to be done alone a hell of a lot faster than I did. But just remember, if you ever need me, just call and I'll come running." Oliver said.

"That goes both ways." Thea said as they hugged and Oliver got in his car and headed for home.

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