Chapter 9: Female Tyrant's Weakness

Start from the beginning

I drove my way to the hoop, but of course, Yukihira-senpai ran to where I was headed with both of his hands spread upwards. He probably though that I will finish it with a scoop lay up or a floater.

Their strategy was switching. If either of them lost their ground against me or Sudo, the other one can still guard the other one. But it won't work to either of us as I know that Sudo is already aware of it.

Halting, I stepped back a little and transferred the ball from my right hand to the left by dribbling the ball behind my legs to avoid Yukihira-senpai snatching the ball away from me. Using the momentum of the dribble, I spun around to the right and jumped, making a fade away shot.

The distance between me and Yukihira-senpai was already wide enough for me to shoot. But because I am a very cautious person, the spin I made, made more distance between us, especially the fade away.


The sound of the net was heard; I scored a point increasing the gap between us and Itsuka-senpai's, and a single point closer to end the game.

"Oooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!"the crowd shouted.

"Shiba-kun!!! I think I've fallen for you more!!!"

Wow, she must be pretty brave to confess her feelings for me in public.

"Step on me, Shiba-kun!"

Damn masochist.

"What the hell was that move, Shiba!" Itsuka-senpai, Sudo, and Yukihira-senpai exclaimed. "that was sooo coooooool!"

"Well, yes, I suppose it was cool, but all of you can do it if you just practice it," I replied, shrugging their praise off.

"Man! You and your humble attitude!" Yukihira-senpai said and patted my back before positioning himself.

"By the way, Itsuka-senpai," I called. "I want something other than private points from you later if we win."

"Already confident because of the gap, huh? Sure. But it better not be something that can ruin my reputation and our friendship."

I nodded as a reply.

In contrast to Yukihira-senpai who is a funny and a happy-go-lucky person, Itsuka-senpai is a serious person like Horikita-senpai, except he can have his funny moments sometimes.

The game started again.

This time, there are more audiences gathering.

Passing the ball to Itsuka-senpai, Sudo spread his arms.

Me on the other hand, kept an eye at Yukihira-senpai. Yukihira-senpai's passing skill is so good that I have a very hard time predicting its trajectory. But if me and Yukihira-senpai were to play for more than 5 games together as a team, I can confidently say that I can easily read it and intercept it with little to average difficulty. But as an enemy, it'll take more than 10 games.

In my peripheral vision, I can see Itsuka-senpai having a hard time getting past Sudo. Letting loose of my guard, Yukihira-senpai ran to aid Itsuka-senpai by giving him a screen.

I copied their tactic by moving to where Sudo's way was blocked.

Surprised, Itsuka-senpai halted and passed the ball to Yukihira-senpai who was standing behind the arc, and shot.


The crowd went crazy again.

"KYAAA!!! That's my boyfriend right there!"

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