I can't believe it.

Marc turned his head to the left, seeing Steven with a delighted look on his face, his hands were joined together, pressed against his chest as he took in the large chamber.

Oh, my days. We're inside. We're inside the Great Pyramid of Giza.

Oh, Elizabeth would've loved to be here.

Marc returned his gaze up ahead, observing his surroundings as he kept moving forward. He climbed down the small flight of stairs before approaching the smaller statues of Egyptian gods. It was at that time that the Avatars of the Ennead started to come out one by one through portals that lined the chamber of the Gods.

Two of them had already arrived, one a dark-skinned woman and a man in a suit. Both of them gave him a stern look after acknowledging Marc Spector's presence before walking over to one corner of the chamber, meeting up with the Avatar that had just arrived.

Then, a beautiful woman started to walk out of the portal near Marc. She has tanned skin, and long black hair and she was wearing a long dress.

"Khonshu's theatrics are unparalleled." The woman stated the moment her gaze fell upon Marc Spector, she then started walking forward, meeting him halfway. "You must be his Avatar."

"Hi. And who are you?" Marc asked as he gave the woman a once over.

"I'm Yatzil, Avatar of Hathor." She answered with a soft smile.

"Okay," Marc replied plainly, he stopped walking to face the woman.

"Goddess of music and love?" Yatzil continued as if she was trying to help him recognize who was the goddess she was serving.

But Marc didn't get the idea, he didn't have much knowledge about Egyptian mythology as much as Steven has.

"Cool." Marc simply replied curtly with a nod. He turned his head, his gaze drifting over to the other Avatars where they were all gathered in one corner, all of them smiling at the Avatar whom Marc still has yet to see.

"Surely Khonshu has mentioned her?" Yatzil inquired, bringing Marc's attention back to Yatzil.

Marc was quiet for a second, recollecting whether Khonshu had mentioned her. But in the end, he remembered nothing and he shook his head. "The gods aren't really his favorite topic." He informed her.

"Not even when they are old friends?" Yatzil queried further, bee brow raised in curiosity.

"Sorry," Marc answered, his gaze returning to the other Avatars once again. For some reason, he seemed to be drawn by the unknown Avatar he has yet to see. Marc couldn't get his eyes off of them and he wondered why. Marc had determined that the Avatar he hadn't seen yet was a woman but he couldn't make out her face due to the man in the suit completely blocking him of his view. But something in the back of his mind made it seem like he had seen her somewhere before.

Yatzil's soft chuckles took his attention off of the woman he had been eyeing, then realized that he was staring far longer than he should have.

"She says it was not so long ago Khonshu enjoyed Hathor's melodies." She informed him.

"Well, as far as I know, the only melody Khonshu enjoys is the sound of pain." Marc rebutted.


Both Marc and Yatzil snapped their heads toward the direction of the voice, both finding out that it came from the man in the suit. He stood behind a statue of a certain Egyptian God that Marc couldn't quite put a finger at who it was. Marc then observed his surroundings and saw that the other Avatars were now standing in front of each statue as well which made him assume that these were the gods and goddesses they serve.

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