Season 1. Chapter 1

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I wake up to a female voice."Good morning miss Eleina, breakfast is ready." I ignore the female voice and pull the blanket over my head. "Miss Eleina, you have to wake up, you have a long day today." I now realize that I'm not in my bedroom.

I sit up from my bed and looked around only to see a massive old modern room, and a lady in her 30s dressed as a maid standing beside my bed with a bucket of water in her hands. I now get my memory back with what happened to me before waking up in this strange place. "Uhm.. good morning to you too miss. Would you mind telling me what date it is today, please?" I ask the lady in the maid outfit.

"Of course! Today is the 5th of November. Oh and miss Eleina, what dress would you like to wear to the birthday party of miss Helen?"

Miss Helen? Isn't that the female lead of my favorite novel? Oh no no no! don't tell me that my second life is being in a novel. William the male lead is one of the scariest people yet in the novel.

He once chopped off a chef's head because the soup was too salty, and he once threw a maid in a lion's pit for not cleaning his room properly. He also had a cruel past, the western kingdom attacked the northern kingdom in their own house. They've attacked the northern king, and Williams 3 brothers while trying to protect William and the queen, but later on the queen got killed in front of Williams eyes while she was pushing William under a table.

Everyone blamed William for his family's death. But I know that it wasn't his falt. Later on William met Helen at her birthday party and they've fallen madly in love with each other.

Suddenly I hear a snap. "Earth to miss Eleina, are you still on this earth?"  I look up to see the lady in the maid outfit with 2 beautiful dresses in her hands. "My apologies, I seemed to have dozed off for a minute." I wonder what noble I'm from, I don't remember the name Eleina in the novel. "Ah no worries miss Eleina. So what dress is it going to be for today ?" The lady asks while moving the dresses forward for me to choose one of them. "Hm, I guess I'll pick the light cyan one. Oh and miss what is your name again, my apologies for not remembering your name."

"oh miss Eleina you don't have to be so formal with me, and my name is Louisa." Louisa says while handing me the light cyan dress. "What a lovely name." I say before standing up and walking towards the bathroom.

The carriage had arrived not long after i finished eating breakfast. We stopped by a few shops to buy Helens birthday present.

Here I am standing in front of the female leads house.  I take a deep breath before knocking on the door. Immediately the door swung open and I flinched. I got greeted with what seemed like the female lead."Hello miss Eleina! Thank you for stopping by at my birthday party! It really means a lot to me." Helen says with the most kindest smile I've ever seen. "Hello miss Helen, happy birthday! And it's my pleasure. I have a little gift for you." I say while handing her a bag.

"Awww Eleina you shouldn't have, thank you so much tho!" Not long after I got escorted in the living room. The room was filled with lots of people that  were dancing and  chatting with each other. There were also tables full of food and drinks. I grabbed a red drink ,It tasted like apple, there was something to it that was so addictive. In 30 seconds the glass was empty and I was searching for another glass. After drinking the  second glass it all went black.


I wake up to a male voice. "Good morning my love". Wait a minute, not again! I slowly open my eyes to find a handsome brunette beneath me naked. The realization hit me, he's William! I jumped off of William and grabbed the blanket and wrapped it around my body. William moves on his side and chuckles. "Your cute when you're stubborn." He says while tucking a lose strand of my hair that is in front of my face behind my ear.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2022 ⏰

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