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It was done, the living nightmare was over. It was Shen's defeat on the waters of the seas, the canon destroyed and ship wrecked. The five and Po was exhausted and still in terror from what they've experienced, Po still in high hopes of course. Shen was injured, his tail feathers littered the wreckage he was hanging onto and his fury increased from being defeated by the panda. As he huffed and growled in irritation, a figure came up to him from the large clouds of dust and smoke, one that made the mad bird go into a state of shock, it was a snow leopardess, one that Shen recognized. "What...? Yang...you're a fool to be here. Why...?" Shen spoke calmly but with a hint of anger in his tone. "I came to help you...Shen." She spoke but instead of it being her voice, it was Po's. Her figure then shifted into a larger figure and Shen saw the panda appear from the smoke and walk towards him not with anger or hate but with sadness. "YOU...you ruined everything. You ruined my canon...my ships...why must you come near ME? The prince who was supposed to have everything....the one who's future was ruined by his own insanity?" He hissed with irritation towards the panda, Po only sighing and looking at the peacock with tiredness. "I came to help you...you've caused so much fear for China. You've scared us...you've scared her. But...I believe that you can change....there's still a chance to not be stuck in the darkness Shen." He spoke as Shen hovered over looking at the wood beneath him with his eyes bloodshot and chest rising up and down. "I don't need your help...can't you see? All my life I wanted to finally be on top...but my future was told for me...and now look at me. I am ruined and stuck in my own madness...what makes you think you can help me, panda?" He asked as he swung his head to the panda with hate in his red piercing eyes. "Because you need to let it go." The panda responded to the peacock, "I gave you so much trouble and pain...I killed your family...I raged my reign over your people, why and how have you found peace in such a terrible thing such as what I have done to you...? Don't you want to make me SUFFER?" Asked Shen, a small hateful hiss at the last word. "No. Scars may not heal...but instead of letting your lust for power consume you, why not let it all go...? It's not worth destroying yourself and others over power and hate to everyone around you." Po responded with a sense of anger in his voice towards the peacock. The others began to surround the two and watch as Shen began to weakly stand up and flutter his feathers from them being cramped under his weight, him giving the panda a hateful glare. "Then, if I let it all go...what will I have here? No purpose...no love...NOTHING. Not even SHE would forgive me for what I've done to everyone..." he spat as he swatted his wings in an angry manner In the air, his eye twitching with frustration. "In fact she would've hated ME! She would've....she would've....she would've never forgave me for what I've done to not only everyone...but to her." He continued with a hint of sorrow in his voice. Feng watched from a broken plank of the ship in shock from seeing the maddening winged creature have not only regret in his voice but sorrow and anger in his eyes, still of madness but of regret. Po looked at the others and they all gave him small smiles and Tigress stepped out the group, Shifu watching in surprise. "I wasn't that kind to him either..." she spoke calmly but with guilt in her eyes, everyone gasping in silence from her confession. "I treated him like he was...a joke, a mistake to have the role that I've strived for ever since I've trained....but I soon realized that my own actions towards him wasn't going to change anything. That I needed to learn...to let it all go. I hated him at first...but now...I see that we needed him more than I thought we would." She finished as she gave Po a small sincere smile, making Po smile in return and look back at the bird before him. "The things you did Shen...was beyond unforgivable, but...I've found inner peace in myself and learned that even if I found hate towards you, I'd only drive myself down the same path you headed. Destroying myself as well...but what I wanna say is-..." he paused, looking down to the side avoiding eye contact with the angry bird before him only got him to give him a warm smile and honest look. "I forgive you." Everyone then gasped once again but loud enough for everyone to hear, Shen's eyes widening in surprise and disbelief at what he was told. "Whaaaat....? How-....I gave you scars for life...how could you forgive a monster who took your home, who took your FAMILY away from you?" Shen asked still in disbelief. Po simply smiled and responded with a look of sympathy. "Cause I let it go...it's the past. And even if you tried to change the past out of vengeance or hate...you'll only hurt others and make yourself more worse than before. So I let it go..." Ti smiled widely at what he spoke, Shen stuck in disbelief and shock. "No....hehehe. I don't believe you." Shen responded with a crooked and maddened smile, triggering the others to feel uneasy at him, only Po remaining calmed yet unnerved. "You can believe it or not Shen...I forgive you. You can't change the past....you can only change from who you are now...to a better person." Po spoke as Shen only stared at him with an uneasy smirk. "If your able to forgive me...will SHE forgive me?" Asked Shen as his smirk faded into a regretful scowl. Ming and Tai looked at each other with saddened faces and then back at him, "I'm sure she'd...think about forgiving you Shen...it's not too late to change from the past. Let it go...I'm- WE are sure that you'll be better off without the past holding you back feeding the anger you've held for so long." Ming said as she gave the peacock a sympathetic look. Shen only remained silent, looking all around his surroundings seeing the damage he's caused, and thought of what he could've done if wasn't stopped, and then looking back at the panda before him. "You may find peace in yourself panda...but I can't feel forgiveness for what I've done to you, to them...to her. But...if what you say is truth...then I will think of finally stopping the hate I've felt for you all...a long time ago. ONLY if what you say...is truth."


With that said, Po smiled in relief and so did the others, Tai's tensed nature soon easing down into a calmed one and Ming rejoiced with happiness and calmly hugged her husband with joy in her eyes and Tai did the same, smiling only a little towards her. "So do you want to change Shen...?" Asked the panda, interrupting everyone's rejoicing. Shifu flinching and looking at the peacock in uncertainty due to the anxiety that was eating at him. Shen only calmly got up and walks away to space himself from the others, his head lowered. "Fine...I will "let it go" as you proclaim...only if in the end...I can tell her...that I am sorry, for everything..." he softly whispered, Po smiling again and the others smiling more from the answer, Shifu sighing in pure relief. "Thank the heavens..." Po muttered as Ti hugged him from the side, surprising the chubby mammal. Everyone then gasped, stuck in pure shock from the action that the feared and angry tiger performed in front of them. "You did it Po...you saved China." She softly spoke, Po's cheeks glowing a faint pink but soon fading as he hugs her back hesitantly. "And I couldn't have done it without you guys..." he said, Ti opening her eyes and gasping loudly from seeing herself hugging the other and immediately stoping herself as she steps away from the panda, her cheeks glowing a brighter red. Po and the others only chuckled and Ti punched his arm from the embarrassment and flustering, making him laugh but wince in a bit of pain. "W-Wow...! Still throwing punches huh?" He asked as he looked at her with a smile. "Only because a master needs to stay strong of course." Tigress responded with a smirk, making them both chuckle. China was save, secured and finally free from the fear it felt of Shen's reign, only forgiveness being the healing for such a torn spirit.


•{|❤️The End❤️|}•

Ephesians 4:31-32: ❤️"Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you."❤️

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