C h a p t e r 6

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"Hey where's Elle? Sophie asked JJ as she she sat down on one of her couches putting her feet up. 

"Hey- get your feet of the couch Soph, I just cleaned it" JJ proceeded to gently place her hands on Sophie's legs and put them down. She then dusted the 'imaginary dust' and finally answered Sophie's original question.  

She looked up as if she was thinking about it then looked down back at soph as if telling she did not know either "Good question, let's go find out". They both headed out and went to the office. Her dad was in a phone call so she decided to wait until she could speak. 

"Hey, wheres Elle?" JJ asked as he father replied Texas the next second. She went for him to elaborate further and he explained how she went of for a case. Whilst they were talking, Sophie began to feel bored so she went ahead and called Elle.

Elle picked up after 1 ring and in the midst of conversation overcame the beginning of a good debate over how smarties were better than m&m's. Just as it started getting heated, Elle's signal began disconnecting. 

"Listen, we'll finish this off later i got to go, I'll tell you all the tea. Just don't tell your dad for me,yeah?"

"OK mom make sure you tell me all the drama that goes down with the weirdo you are going to interview" Sophie sarcastically said as she hung up not before muttering a small 'love you'.

Her and Elle had become closer over the past few weeks Elle had partly joined the BAU. She felt as if the things she could not tell Haley or Spencer, she could tell Elle. Of course, she could go tell Garcia, or even JJ  but she didn't want any of them to tell her father. With Elle she could tell her things without the fear of it coming out any time soon.

A few hours later

Sophie was in the briefing room when everybody walked in all of a sudden. 

"Soph, sorry to kick you out but we have a case" Derek said as he opened the door motioning for her to go out. He didn't know what the case was about but he did not want Sophie seeing any of those crime scene pictures in her head. He still got nightmares about it. 

"Please, you won't even know I'm here,promise" Sophie whined as she pretended to ziploc her mouth shut. Whenever she got tired of felt ungrateful of life  she would just go into the briefing room and secretly hear about one of the cases and think ' Damn have it much easier than these guys' then she would go back to appreciating life again.

 It was like a full on routine at this point. I mean,could you blame her? Her father didn't care that she was in the briefing room, to Sophie's relief. It wasn't a case with death yet anyway, it was a hostage situation. Sophie was listening to Fourth of July with an airpod in one of ears. 

The other ear was for listening in on any juicy tea that she could store in her journal. The journal was named 'The most weirdest shit I've heard that's happened in a crime' and honestly every once in a while she would flip through the pages and some of the things she would read would even surprise her time to time.

 Anyways, the point was she needed to listen in so she could fill aft least a page. She heard Spencer ask JJ if she could back the picutre up a few frames to see something that had apparently interested him

"Tardive dyskinesia" she heard him mumble. Derek looked at him cluelessly not knowing what he was saying. 

"Once more for us without an encyclopedic memory?" Derek asked jokingly. Sophie answered before Spencer.

"It's basically a condition where your face,body or maybe both make sudden movements you cannot control. It can develop as a side effect for medication, most commonly antipsychotic drugs." ( A/n:Defo did not have to search that up..) Everyone turned to Sophie with one question in their minds , where in the hell did she learn all of that from? Sophie looked up at them and shrugged her shoulders.

"What? I watch a lot of Greys Anatomy" she then proceeded to scroll through her phone again. Gideon then finally came in and headed towards the screen where they were all gathered around.

 Sophie finally paid attention when JJ mentioned it was a hostage situation in a train in Texas. Wait-that couldn't mean. Sophie slowly stood up towards the screen as she finally focused on what was going on in that train. She noticed Elle's figure right before Gideon did. 

"My God!" He had finally realised who was on that train. Everyone looked up to him to elaborate but Sophie did. 

"It's Elle" 

"What?" Derek asked as Hotch looked up from the case file and they all started paying attention way more onto the screen. Maybe it was an error? Maybe it a blur? Maybe her mind was playing tricks on her? But as much as she wanted to deny it she couldn't anymore.  Elle was in a hostage situation. 

A few hours later 

Sophie's father had told Sophie to stay put so the only resolution she found was going into Garcia's office, it was practically her second home by now.  From listening in on Garcias calls she found that her father and the team were already in West Texas by now and snipers outside the train were already in position. 

Sophie felt relieved to hear that. At least if something went wrong there were sniper everywhere. Sophie stopped daydreaming as Garcia's phone rang.

"Como se dici 'hottie'"



"Ok listen to me, no playing around" Derek said in a serious tone. He needed some face recognition software so they could identify who was really on the train. Derek didn't help when he said Elle was one of the hostages. Now it just felt too real.  

By watching the camera feed she saw Elle get hit on the side of her face, she winced at that. She also saw the man who was holding everyone hostage peek through the blinds. 

At the same time, she saw her father driver in and park next to the train. Throughout listening in Garcia's calls, Sophie could sum this much up. The person who was having delusions needed something called 'it removed and he needed it done by one hours . Now it was up the team to do something about it.

Another few minutes and Spencer was going in the train to take 'it' out. Before he did that, he called Sophie for a few minutes to calm his nerves. Sophie understood what was happening and tried to calm herself down then Spencer.  

In the end, one of the hostages killed him and now Sophie was waiting on Elle to come out of the elevator. As soon as she came out she tackled her a massive hug. Elle needed that and so did Sophie. The team all softly smiled as they saw the sight. It was a great day to end the day.

(A/n: I felt bad for updating in such a slow time so heres a new chapter. I hope you enjoyed it. Also, stranger things season 4 is coming out tomorrow!! i literally cannot wait. Been and og fan and will forever gatekeep this series. Anyways, byee. Take care of your mental health. Ly <3)

 Ly <3)

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