Chapter One: Collide

Start from the beginning

Dawko enters the level by touching the screen, and he picks up a cassette after entering the level.

Dawko, on the other hand, gets a jump scare from an animatronic later on.

Dawko sighs as he looks at the game over screen in frustration.

"Don't worry, everyone, I'm not going to give up," Dawko assures his audience, not wanting to let them down.

Dawko continues his search for the remaining tapes in the game.

Dawko gets the impression that someone is watching him as he searches for the tapes.

He comes across a glitching bunny figure on some monitors while looking for a tape.

"Greetings, Dawko, no need to be afraid, I'm just here to be your friend," the glitching bunny figure tells Dawko.

"Who are you and how do you know my name?" Dawko asks the glitching bunny.

"I've been keeping an eye on you, Dawko, and my name is Glitchtrap," the bunny figure responds.

"Hello, nice to meet you, but what do you want from me?" Dawko asks, pondering what Glitchtrap wants.

"I have plans for you, my friend, but first you must locate the last tape," Glitchtrap responds as he explains this to Dawko.

'I got a bad feeling about this, but I guess I'll trust him for now,' Dawko contemplates as he processes what Glitchtrap says.

"Alright, I guess I'll see you around then," Dawko says, waving goodbye to Glitchtrap as he walks away.

Dawko considers removing the VR headset for a moment but decides that he must continue for the sake of his fans.

Dawko considers his fans to be family, and the last thing he wants to do is let them down.

So Dawko starts looking for the last tape, and it takes some time, but he eventually finds it.

Glitchtrap appears in front of Dawko shortly after Dawko finds the last tape.

"You did well, my friend, and now I can explain things to you," Glitchtrap says, smirking.

"All right, so what's the deal?" Dawko asks Glitchtrap as he begins to have second thoughts about everything.

"You see, I need to merge with someone to leave this domain," Glitchtrap says as he approaches Dawko.

"What exactly does merge mean?" Dawko asks as he steps back from Glitchtrap.

"Well, it means that my soul and your soul will collide," Glitchtrap responds, making a collide motion with his hands.

"But what if I don't want our souls to collide?" Dawko inquires as he attempts to exit the game, but is unable to do so.

"It doesn't matter because I will conquer and override," Glitchtrap responds, clutching Dawko's shoulder tightly.

"Now stand still so my soul and your soul will collide," Glitchtrap says, his eyes glowing up as he looks into Dawko's eyes.

Dawko screams as purple veins run through his body and red liquid drips from his nose.

The flashback concludes with Dawko removing the headset in terror, his left eye glowing blue and the other eye glowing purple.

'This isn't happening; I need to wake up!' Dawko thinks as he rushes to the bathroom, splashing water in his face.

Unfortunately, it doesn't work, and Dawko realizes that this isn't a dream when he tries to pinch himself and it hurts.

"Oh, it's happening, this is who you are now, Dawko," Dawko says abruptly in a glitching voice.

"No, it isn't, and please get out of my body!" Dawko yells as he attempts to punch himself to force Glitchtrap out.

Dawko, on the other hand, realizes that it's pointless because he's only hurting himself.

"There's no need to panic, Dawko; change can be a good thing," Dawko says to himself in a glitching voice.

"How is this a good thing?" Dawko asks, panicking as he returns to his normal voice.

"Don't you see, a change like this can cause your channel to grow," Dawko replies in a glitching voice, pointing this out to himself.

"Do you believe something like this can help my channel grow?" Dawko inquires, a little curiously.

"Yes, Dawko, so why not embrace it?" Dawko asks, pointing this out.

"It's not like you have a choice," Dawko adds in a glitching voice.

Dawko pauses for a moment before smiling wildly.

"You're right, I should embrace this new me, and maybe I can use this new me to help my channel grow," Dawko agrees with himself.

"Yes, Dawko, that's the spirit; now embrace this new side of yourself," Dawko says to himself.

Dawko agrees, and with that, he embraces this new side of himself, as if he's changing into someone else.

"I think we should call ourselves Dawktrap," Dawko says, as the glitching voice and his normal voice mix together.

Dawko is gone, and now Dawktrap takes his place.

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