Chapter 2

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I started to leave, but I'm shuddlenly hit in the back of the head and black out.


I wake up form the feeling of water on my skin. My head throbbed in pain. It felt like I was hit in the back of the head with a bat. I noticed I was soaked, and it was raining. I instantly pull my hood in and get up. I race to the nearest thing -a tree- and hid under it. I get some wood and made a TINY house. I mean, hey, it was something. 

I waited for what seemed like forever for the rain to stop. When I stops I decided to go and explore the territory. I realize that I was on an island?....

I go the waters edge. Did they know? No, they couldn't. That's impossible. But why else would they put me on an island? 'Whatever. I can just build on the water.' I thought to myself. 

I look around, exspecting someone to be watching me. I was the villian, right? And I could easily escape right now. Yet, no one was watching me, no one was here. Still, I searched the whole island. I felt that I WAS being watched. Whenever I had a feeling, I followed it. It had never lead me wrong. 

After I finished searching; I found no one or anything; I took the wood from my "house" and built on the water. Once I was about 4 blocks away form the island, I felt a sharp pain in my neck. I yelped fell back onto the wood, holding my neck. I stood up and took and step back to my fourth block. The pain came back. I bit my lip from letting a scream out and put down author block.

When I stepped on the 5th block, the pain increased, confirming my theory. I deleted all the blocks and stood on the beach, thinking about what to do. 

I sighed and went back to where the tree used to be. Of course, it was gone since destroyed it. I picked up the sapling and sticks that it dropped. I planted the plant and used the wood to build me a small yet cozy house. The island was a bit small, so it limited why resources. Mostly my food. 

I looked around the island, which for now I would be calling home. I would had to make it work. 


Yayyyyy!!! What do YOU guys tink Dream is????

I will reveal it next chapter!

Goodbye!! ❤❤❤

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