Chapter 1 - Michonne (Day Care)

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Summary: Imagine an alternate universe where the zombie apocalypse never happened to our beloved characters. That's not to say that everything is rainbows and sunshine. There is still a lot of heartache and betrayal in the world. This is a story about opening your heart and taking a chance at happiness.


The first time I saw him was a cloudless Georgia blue sky kind of day.

I used to live for those summer days, where the sky was the perfect shade of blue, deep and bright, the whole world open ahead of you. Mike used to tease me, saying my favorite color changed with the weather.

It's late summer now but I can't remember the last time I stopped and noticed a blue sky day. It must have been before everything happened.

The cheerful blonde girl led us out of the classroom, down the hall lined with construction paper animals, and out into the playground.

"Ohhh," Andre breathed his happiness at the sight of the jungle gym, see-saws, sand box, and fluffy green grass.

I bent over and set him on his feet before he could wiggle out of my arms.

"Go on, baby, see how you like it," I told him. I could already tell he loved it.

"It's too bad you couldn't visit when all the kids were here," the girl said, smiling after my son's headlong race across the empty playground.

"We have a one week trial period," she continued, "Terminus Day Care has really grown over the past year. We like to give new kids a few days to see how they fit in, make sure they're placed in the right class."

Andre was stomping around in the sand box.

"So, you don't have to make a decision right away, but I think you'll really like it here," the girl said with a smile and I realized she was waiting for me to say something.

I nodded.

"That sounds nice," I said distractedly, walking beside her slowly on the soft grass. I wasn't at all sure that this was the right decision, that any of it was the right decision.

Something caught my attention.

A man in a brown Sheriff's uniform sat on one of the swings, holding a small child in his arms. The little girl wore a pink sunhat and rested her sleepy head on her dad's shoulder. They swung slowly back and forth, his head bent down watching his boots scrape the dirt.

"Oh! Mr. Grimes," the girl greeted him brightly.

The man looked up, blinking as if he had been yanked from somewhere far away.

"Hey there, Judith," the girl sang softly to the sleepy child.

"It's good to see you, Beth. How's your father doing?" the man asked.

"He's good. I'll tell him you say 'hi'," Beth answered. It really was a small town.

I kept quiet, not wanting to interrupt.

I watched Andre push a toy truck in the sand. When I glanced back again, the man was looking at me and I found myself staring. There was weariness but also an intensity about him. His beard was bordering on scruffy and his eyes were a startling blue.

"They're new in town," the girl said, smiling at me, "We might be getting a new student."

"I'm Rick," the man introduced himself and briefly floundered, unsure if he should stand or hold out his arm for a handshake, then decided not to disturb his daughter and gave me a small smile instead.

"Michonne," I replied, cautious.

Abandoning his play, Andre ran towards me and held out his little hand for me to hold.

"This is Andre," I introduced him. He waved shyly.

"Well, welcome to town," the man had a hint of country in his voice, "As a Sheriff's deputy, I can assure you that King County has the lowest crime rate in Georgia, three years running."

"Oh," I said, "Thanks."

"We also have the largest ratio of cows to people in Georgia," he added and I got the feeling that this was a well-worn joke.

"Mommy, a baby!" Andre squeezed my hand and pointed.

The little girl lifted her head and looked right at him. Andre grinned.

"He's making friends already," Beth said lightly.

The man gently straightened his daughter's sunhat. A cloud passed over his features.

"I don't know how long we'll be staying here, though," he trailed off, glancing back at the day care center.

"Late again?" Beth asked, sticking her hands in her pockets.

It occurred to me that she knew what was wrong, had known since we saw them sitting on the swing like that, alone after everyone else had gone home.

"I came in the squad car, straight from work, but...still late," he sighed, "Tara went to get the car seat for Judy. She'll be back soon."

"How bad this time?" the girl asked, wrinkling her nose.

I looked at her curiously but she was reluctant to explain. Deputy Rick shifted and retrieved a folded paper from his back pocket. He held it out to Beth, who unfolded it and grimaced.

"The fines are supposed to discourage people who come late on purpose...This is hardly fair. Maybe I can talk to him," she said.

"Nah, don't do that. I don't want to get you in trouble, Beth. I'll figure it out," he said and she handed the paper back to him.

A police car pulled up outside the fence around the playground and the lights blipped. Beth waved to the young woman behind the wheel. The man picked up his wide-brimmed brown hat and stood up.

"I'll see ya around," he said to me, then tipped his hat to Andre, who burst into a huge smile.

"Bye-bye!" Andre waved as we watched them walk towards the gate.

Later that night, after I tucked Andre in to bed, I sat down at the coffee table in our little motel room, Terminus Day Care registration papers spread in front of me. It was time to make a decision.

I'm glad I left Atlanta. I loved that city, back when I loved Mike and that was all I needed, but everything is different now. With Andrea planning to move in with her new boyfriend, that leaves me on my own again.

I don't know if this is the right decision, the right place, but I have to choose something. This town is as good a place as any, I suppose, to build a new life.

I'm done running.



Preview: What happened that led Michonne to raise Andre all by herself? Will she take a chance and try to start a new small-town life? Will Rick ever manage to pay his Day Care fines?

P.S. I know Terminus Day Care sounds totally ominous, but there are no cannibals, I promise!

I have big plans for this story so I really hope you like it!

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