'I wonder, if I beat her quickly will Naruto-nii be proud? Eh, maybe I should surprise Naruto-nii with some ramen, yeah, wait what was I doing again? Eh, I don't care, what else would Naruto-nii like..'


Tsuki snapped back to reality he peered at the pink-haired woman in front of him.

"Hn?" Tsuki blinked.

"You are in the preliminaries, and you just zoned out, get ready, your match starts soon." Sakura sighs.

"Damn for real? I forgot my bad" Tsuki shrugs. "Oh, and who is my enemy again?" Tsuki ran his hand through his dull hair.

"Haruta.. just never mind, your match starts." Sakura sweatdropped shun shining away.



"Oh god Tsuki, what is he doing.." Taiyo sweatdropped, glancing at his raven teammate, Tsuki still wasn't paying attention, he was probably thinking of other things, like ramen, Taiyo didn't blame him though, the man gotta get his priorities straight.


"Damnit! You're just messing with me, stop going easy and try!" Haruta growls, whipping the blood off her nose, which just smeared it.

'I wonder what Naruto-nii is doing.. probably eating ramen, most likely, wait Naruto-nii told me to pay attention during the preliminaries, but I'm not doing that right now, I'm sure he won't mind, anyways he likes Ichiraku right? Maybe I'll get him Ichiraku, well it depends if he wants Ichiraku or not, *insert more thoughts about Naruto*'  Tsuki was in his own world, he wasn't trying he frankly made his clone do the work, as he thought of gifts to give to the blond.

"Damnit! You're just messing with me, stop going easy and try!" This made Tsuki snap out of his thoughts, he let out an irritated sigh. "Shut the hell up, can't you see I'm trying to think about something? But if you want me to try then fine, stop whining you're hurting my ears damnit!" Tsuki snarled.

Tsuki's clone disappeared, and the raven clasped his hands together, performing some hand signs. The Uchiha was getting ticked off, he was busy zoning out, why couldn't his enemy see that!

"Katon." Tsuki jumped back, as he exhaled a stream of fire, which evolved into a sphere of flames, the fireball went straight to Haruta.

Haruta jumped back, but the fireball grazed her leg, and the heat made her wince, she performed some hand signs, before cupping her hands, a stream of water went straight for Tsuki, The Uchiha did the same hand signs as he did before making another fireball, usually water would always win against fire, but in this case, the fire beat the water, Tsuki's fireball took over Haruta's stream of water, causing the water to evaporate into mist.

"That's...... That's not possible! Damnit!" Haruta gritted her teeth, a growl escaping her gritted teeth, she clenched her fist, and her hands were slightly trembling

"He likes ramen right? Is his favorite miso or-" Tsuki was mumbling words to himself until he got ticked off from Haruta's whining, he shot a poisonous glare at his opponent and growled

"Shut up." Tsuki snarled , Haruta was aggravating the Uchiha, Tsuki glared at his opponent, before returning to his thoughts, he wasn't taking this whole preliminaries thing seriously.
Haruta growls, before charging at the raven, with a kunai in her palms, secured tightly, she gathered up chakra into the kunai, enhancing the amount of damage the kunai could do.

Tsuki let out an annoyed sigh. "I guess I'll have to do that later, let's just finish this," Tsuki grumbles, before materializing a Rasengan in his palms, the blue orb made of chakra, rotating wildly.

Haruta was now in front of the raven, she slashed at the Uchiha

Tsuki let out a sigh, before he grabbed Haruta's wrist, and moved his foot in front of his enemy, tripping his opponent, once Haruta was on the ground, he made direct contact with his Rasengan.

Concrete pebbles flew into the air, as the Rasengan hit his opponent, also causing the ground to crack, he was still holding Haruta's wrist, so he twisted her arm, earning a scream of agony to escape his opponent's lips.

As alarmed as Sakura was, she snapped out of it. "Winner, Tsuki!" The pink-haired woman announced. Haruta's teammates glanced at their teammate, with pure shock, her teammates clenched their fists, till it turned white.

"Hn." Tsuki released his opponent's wrist, a small sigh escaped the Uchiha's lips. The raven stuffed his hands into his pockets, before turning around, and heading back to his team.

"Now, where was I.." Tsuki mumbles, striding over to team Okami, and team Washi.

"Tsuki! You were just messing with her." Taiyo grabbed onto the raven's shoulders, and shook the Uchiha violently, Tsuki didn't seem to care though, he was lost in his thoughts.

"I know." Tsuki shrugs.

Taiyo let out a sigh, before releasing the raven's shoulders.

"Taiyo, your match is up, you should go you know" Tsuki mumbles.

"WHAT" Taiyo shouts, at the raven. Tsuki wasn't affected by it though, Tsuki seemed to be too busy in his thoughts.

"Yeah, your next, hurry up!" Tora nudges her teammate, Taiyo let out a whine, before shun shining to the field.

Sakura cleared her throat. "Okay, next match, Taiyo Suzuki Vs Saito Kamado, get ready!" The pink-haired woman announced, before shun shining away.

Taiyo swallowed a lump in his throat before glancing at his opponent.

"Here we go.."

Woohoo, I'm finally on summer break! That means I have more time to write!

Thank you, thank you for over 8k reads!

Thank you for everything! Have an amazing day or night!

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