Chapter 67 - Three little words

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Y/n's POV:

Two more days. That's all that was left before Scarlett had to leave for Atlanta. She had basically moved in with us since she had finished filming. It was really nice, spending time as a family. I have never wanted to be around someone as much as I do with Scarlett. Ava was enjoying the time with her as well, but I knew she was just as sad about her leaving as I was.

As much as I was loving having all this time with her, there was a part of me that was worried it is going to make it so much harder when she leaves. Going from her being a constant to not here at all. It was almost like my life was going to go back to how it was last year, and I knew I was going to miss Scarlett more than anything.

This last week has consisted of slow goodbyes. I had a night out with Tom and Chris and let's just say it was a messy one. They doubled up the night as a celebration for the medal and a goodbye. Which also meant they had doubled up on the drinks. I felt like death the next days so I'm not sure how the other two survived. Especially Tom. If there is one thing I've learnt about him, he's a lightweight.

We then had a family meal with Robert and Susan. The kids had a great time together and it very much felt like dinner with the parents. Susan and the kids were staying in LA, and we had arranged to meet up a few times so the kids could get together, and we could catch up.

Last night we had a meal with the rest of the cast and their partners. It was really nice to all be together again before they all head off to Atlanta. Over time it stopped feeling like I was hanging out with celebrities and now I looked at them and all I saw were friends. This was why Scarlett going away was even more difficult. It was going to be tough to not see the rest of the cast too. They had all become family to me and I was going to miss them all. There wasn't a week that went by where I wasn't seeing at least one of them. It was safe to say I had become a little attached.

Lizzie came home with Scarlett and I last night and stayed with us. She wanted to have a day with us alone before she went. We spent the day at the park and had a really nice picnic. Then we came back to my place this afternoon so Scarlett and I could get ready for our date. Lizzie had offered to stay over and watch Ava whilst we stayed at Scarlett's so we could make most of our time together.

Scarlett had no idea what I had planned tonight. I wanted to do something special for her so I could come clean about my feelings. I'm pretty sure she was going to say something at the medal ceremony, but Robert interrupted before she had a chance to finish. But then again, she could have been trying to say something totally different and I could look a bit like a fool.

But that's a risk I'm willing to take. I don't want to hide how I feel from her. She is so special to me, and I want her to know that. It's fine if she's not there yet. I just hope it doesn't freak her out and scare her away. That would not be the ideal outcome!

I had ordered us a taxi to take us to our location. She had spent the whole time we were getting ready, trying to find out where we were going.Just like Lizzie, I think the concept of a surprise was lost on her. When we pulled up at the side of the road, I jumped out and opened Scarlett's door and held out my hand to her. She took it and slipped her fingers between mine and looked around to see that we were on the strip near the beach.

"Are we going for dinner?" She asked and I nodded. "We sure are. It's just up this way." I said, leading her to a restaurant further down the road. It was a little busy and Scarlett had snuggled in close to me, so I adjusted to have my hand around her back, to keep her close and safe. When we arrived at the entrance to the restaurant she looked up at the sign and then back to me with a smile. "Star of Siam. This is where we came on our first date." She said, her eyes sparkling.

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