Chapter 66 - We're all proud of you

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Scarlett's POV:

I had somehow found myself mesmerised watching Y/n get ready for tonight. We were attending her medal ceremony and she had spent the last hour getting her uniform ready. It was a whole process, and I hadn't realised how much went into it. I offered to help, but she said it needed to be done in a particular way so was just easier for her to do it.

She started off by ironing her trousers, making sure there was a crease down the centre of the leg. After ironing her shirt, she then started to polish up every button and shiny thing on her uniform. She then moved on to cleaning up the leather strap of her white belt. Now I was stood watching as she shined her shoes. She was sat on the sofa, with a pot of polish, a rag and brush. Ava was busy brushing the shoe preparing it for Y/n to then start with the polish.

I watched as her fingers carefully built up the layer of polish on the shoe in her hand. She worked in silence, even Ava was quiet whilst focusing on her very important job. I, meanwhile, am stood being no use at all, just staring at my girlfriend's fingers wishing that she was.... Ok let's not go there, mind out of the gutter!

To distract myself, I started to focus on getting ready myself. Sophie and I would switch places whilst getting ready in Y/n's room. It was a bit of a squeeze for all of us getting ready, but we were making do. I decided to go for light makeup today. I knew Y/n always preferred it when I did that, and I wanted to look my best for her tonight. "Hey, I'm almost at the point I need to get dressed if you both are almost done?" Y/n asked, peering her head through the bedroom door.

Sophie had just slipped on her dress and turned to Y/n. "Wow, you look great Soph." Y/n said with a proud smile. "Thanks Y/n/n. I'm done, so I'll get out of the way and entertain the princess until the two big kids turn up." Sophie replied, grabbing her bag and making her way out the door. "Don't forget to send Matt a photo." Y/n shouted after her with a smirk on her face. "Shut up Y/n!" Sophie yelled back.

Y/n came fully into the room now and closed the door behind her. "Do you need a hand doing your dress up?" Y/n asked, pointing to the green dress that was hanging on the closet door. "Please." I smiled and dropped my robe. I watched Y/n to see her reaction and I wasn't disappointed. I was wearing a matching pair of black lingerie. It was like a cartoon moment as Y/n's eyes bulged and her mouth dropped open.

Even though she has seen me like this countless time, I always loved her reaction. It was like she was seeing me for the first time, every time, and it did wonders for my confidence. She slowly walked over to me and placed her hands on my bare hips. "How about we skip out on the ceremony and just stay in?" She asked. She said it as a joke, but I know there was an underlying tone of seriousness in it.

I placed my arms around Y/n's neck, smirking up at her. "As much as I would like to stay in this room with you all night. I also want to be by your side as you get your medal so I can brag about you to everyone." I replied, pushing up on my tip toes and giving her a loving kiss. "Besides, you've just spent like the last 2 hours getting your uniform ready, you don't want to waste that." I joked and she sighed. "Fine." She mumbled like a child, and I laughed. "But only if I get another kiss." She bargained and I laughed. "You deserve all the kisses today." I said before capturing her lips with mine.

She started to deepen it slightly, her hands pulling me close and roaming my bare back. Just as I was about to fall right into it, she pulled away and I let out a little whine to which Y/n laughed at. "You really need to put your dress on, or we definitely won't be leaving." Y/n chuckled and reluctantly I let go of her. I grabbed my dress and put it on. Y/n helped to do up the zip and clasp, leaving a few kisses on my shoulder.

When I was done, she stood back and admired me like a painting. "I don't know how it is possible, but you just get even more beautiful every day." She flirts and I can't help but smile. "Such a sweet talker." I teased. "Now, get ready, we don't want to be late for your own ceremony." I gave her a quick peck and left her to it.

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