Oh yes! Oh no!

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The next morning I woke up with my beautiful girl sleeping beside me. She looked so cute even when she had bed hair and she was unconsciously caressing my breasts in her sleep. Maybe she was having a sexy dream.

As soon as she quivered her eyes open, I kissed her forehead.

“Good morning” She said yawning.

“How did you sleep?” I smiled back.

“Very well” She said and pulled me on top of her and kissed me hungrily.

We were kissing when her stomach growled and she broke the kiss and looked away in embarrassment. I couldn’t help but giggle.

“I’m hungry” she said and playfully hit my arm.

“I guess, I already heard that” I said. “I’ll go fix us something to eat.”

After a hearty breakfast and some more talking and joking, Natasha had to leave. We spent the entire weekend together, watching movies and going shopping. She came to my game that Sunday evening and I was nervous that she was watching me but thankfully I performed well. Excellent, she had told me

Surprisingly, I told her a lot about my family. Despite having her perfect family, I don’t know how she understood my situation so well. Now, finally I had someone who deeply loved me and cared for me. Since my family didn’t give a damn, I too didn’t give them much thought. I do miss my mother though, the mother I knew some 10 years back, not the one she had been lately. Natasha, did a lot of sweet somethings for me every now and then and had she never done them, I wouldn’t have asked her to either. I didn’t know little things like a hug or a rose could give someone so much happiness. Whenever, she stayed the night at my place, she’d never let me make breakfast in the morning, I tried to dissuade her as she was spoiling my habits, but she wouldn’t listen. I was becoming more and more dependent on her with each passing day. I don’t know where I’d be if she’d leave me.

 I hoped she’d never leave me.

“How can you not drink tea OR coffee?????” she screamed one Saturday morning at the breakfast table.

“Whats that supposed to mean?” I said as I quirked an eyebrow, knowing well, what she meant. She could never get over the fact that I drank nothing more than water and soft drinks. No alcohol or tea. Occasionally, I would have black coffee or milk but that’s very rarely.

“You know what I mean” she said as she pointed her fork at me.

I laughed as I saw her expression of fake anger. Knowing, theatre was my passion, she always did something dramatic of that sort.

“I drink hot chocolate mamma, don’t I?”

“But it’s NOT tea!!!” she screamed again.


“So nothing. I love tea. I need at least three to four cups of tea or coffee every day. At breakfast, after college, in the evening and before going to bed” she announced happily.

“I know baby. For who do you think I keep all that tea and coffee powder in my house?” I said as I fed her a forkful of pancake.

I didn’t intend to, but that shut her up. She winked at me as I wiped the chocolate sauce from her lips and offered the finger to her. She gladly opened her mouth and took my index finger in, sucking on it. She gave it a light bite before she let go of my finger. I then put the finger in my mouth and returned her naughty gesture.

One thing led to another and it all happened that morning. I made love to her for hours till we lay back exhausted and fell asleep.


I woke up with my phone ringing on my bedside-table. Not wanting to wake Natasha up, I answered it quickly as I carefully removed my hand from her waist and left the room carrying my baggy t-shirt with me.

“Heya!” Adrianna’s cheerful voice greeted me.

“Hey” I said equally happily, not for her but myself.

“Think you could do a shift for me today, baby? I know its Saturday but two of my workers called up and took leave last moment. Please honey?”

Her flirtatious tone had been getting on to me now. I had asked her to stop it a few times but she paid no heed. She didn’t know I was dating Natasha and took me as an open invitation. At the same time I worked in her shop and Andy and I had become very good friends too.

“Ummm….. Yep ok. When do I come?” I said.

“The last shift. Between 6-9. Thank you Laylah.” She said as she blew a kissed on the phone.

Just then it struck me that I could introduce Natasha to her and then she’d know I’m taken.

“Hey what are you doing after that? I mean after 9?” I asked her as she said goodbye.

“Nothing, have you got some plans for us babe?”

 “Actually yes. I want you to meet someone. So you and Andy can have dinner with us?”

“Are the extras needed?” she flinched and though I couldn’t see her am sure she pouted too.

“Hahahaha so is it a yes?” I gave her a humourless laugh.

“I guess so. I’d love to have dinner with you. You alone”

“Maybe some other time?”

“I’ll be waiting. I’ll see you at 6 then and we’ll all go to Zodiac for dinner.”

“Sure. bye and thanks again”

“It’s ok. See ya.” I said and hung up.

The day passed quickly as Natasha and I watched a couple of movies till it were time for me to get going. I got ready and left her at home to get ready and meet me at the store in the evening.  She gave me a quick goodbye hug and kiss before I left the house.

The day at the store passed uneventfully save Adrianna’s hitting on me now and then. Actually, I enjoyed her attention bringing back the player in me that I had left behind when I fell for Natasha. But I told myself it was harmless and I would never hurt Natasha.

Andy and I laughed and talked in the little time we found to ourselves as the store was unusually crowded today and Adrianna’s asking me for help was justified.

Finally, a little after 9 we were able to close the store. Natasha kept on texting to me as she was getting impatient waiting for us at the food court. For a change, she was the one waiting.

After we closed the store, Adrianna fixed her make-up and got ready to go. We finally made our way to the food court where Natasha was impatiently tapping her feet and waiting for us, texting. Probably texting to me.

“Hey sorry” I said as I gave her a quick hug. “Meet Adrianna and Andy. I told you about them. Guys this is my girlfriend Natasha.” I told them cheerfully.

“Hello” she said and extended as I saw Adrianna’s face drop. Her excitement quickly turned into a frown, not to mention she did not take Natasha’s hand.

Sensing this Andy quickly took Natasha’s hand and gave it a warm shake introducing himself again.

Adrianna’s expression told me I shouldn’t have planned this meeting and boy, was I right!

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