She even got a B - from all her worrying.It's unacceptable !

Now her perfect A + and A - record would have a dent from that stupid B -

It's awful.

She has even chewed the rubber off four of her sparkly pencil's from how much she's been chewing at it (A gross habit she has gotten from watching Grover do the same thing.)

And now she sits in her English class waiting for Percy to arrive.

She pulls her sketchbook out and turns to the pages near the end of the lily scented book where her most secret drawings are.

She slowly starts to shade the drawing she's been doing of Percy (WHAT ! She's only drawing him because he's easy to,For practise- NO OTHER REASON !)

"Hey Lottie." She squeaks.Quickly slamming her book shut she prays to every god known to humans that Percy didn't see what she was drawing "H-Hey Percy."

Stuttering without a purpose to flirt behind it.Aphrodite children do not stutter unless they have a reason to !

She's losing it.Actually losing it

She didn't even notice that Percy used the nickname only he's allowed to use.The only one allowed to call her Lottie.No one else is allowed to ! (She pretends to hate it but she actually really loves that nickname,Especially when it comes from his lips)

"What are you doing ?" Violet clears her throat and reaches for her mirror in order to check that she looks okay.

She decided to do blue eyeshadow and drew little white clouds around her eye lids.She breathes a sigh of relief that her appearance hasn't changed "Was just drawing a new design for a summer dress."

Percy's eyes glaze over as they always do whenever she talks about fashion.But at least he tries to act like he's listening "That's cool." She nods her head.Looking down at the cover of her sketch book.Fake lilacs tapped to the front "Right." Percy takes his seat next to her

And soon class is starting

She makes her notes look all pretty.Drawing speech bubbles and colour coordinating each word so that when she looks back on it later it makes sense (Also she wants it to look pretty) she makes sure that her handwriting is perfect and neat.Every word has to match on the line.

She can feel Percy looking at her.She doesn't look at him.

Their teacher,Mr Nicoll,announces that he is going to be giving them their grades back.

Her violet eyes gleam in excitement.She put so much work into this spelling test (She always puts work and effort into everything she does) .She can't have any more B's or god forbid a C on her records.She tugs on her ponytail nervously and shudders at the thought of anything less than an A.

"You'll be fine Lotttie.You are always amazing at spelling tests." She blushes as she looks to the side.Finding Percy giving her an encouraging smile "Thanks Percy.You'll be fine to.You put a lot of work into studying.I know this time you'll get a higher grade !"

Mr Nicoll slowly started to hand out each grade "Violet Davis.Not surprised that you have gotten an A + Keep up the good work." Percy holds his hand out for her to high five.She bites her lip in excitement as she gives him one.

She wants to hold his hand...

"Percy Jackson.Explain to me son why you've gotten another F - ,Are you too lazy to study for the test kid ?" Violet felt offended for her best friend.She knows how hard he works to study.

It's not his fault that he has ADHD and Dyslexia.She may get the highest grades in class but even she struggles and feels like she can barely do the work.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐞𝐚 [ 𝘗𝘦𝘳𝘤𝘺 𝘑𝘢𝘤𝘬𝘴𝘰𝘯 ]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant