Prt.2 of The Extermination (Finale)-Part 24

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Matthew: We'll catch up on this later on. I need to head back before my parents wake up for work.

Stolas: Well it was nice of you to stop by again. Until next time.

Matthew headed out of the palace and started walking to the front gate of the property before being stopped by someone.

Octavia: You didn't forget to say bye, did you?

Matthew: Luckily i didnt.

Octavia gave Matthew a hug before finally leaving the property. He was walking down the sidewalk and reached into his pocket. He pulled out a transportation circle and summoned a portal to home. Just as he was walking through, he got tackled from behind. He fell to the dirt and turned around to see four imps standing over him. One of them raised their knife over their head and tried stabbing him in his chest. Matthew caught the imp's arm and clocked him in the jaw, sending imp back a few feet. He quickly got up and reached into his back pockets before fitting two spiked brass knuckles onto his fingers. The other imps lunged at him with their machetes, Matthew side stepped out of the way as an imp made a downwards cut at him. He stomped down on the imp's machete, stabbing it into the ground and delivered an uppercut to the imp. An imp was charging towards Matthew and tried gutting him with his dagger as another was going in from behind. He grabbed onto the imp and threw his body at the one that tried creeping up on him. He saw the other imps that were knocked down slowly getting to their feet. He pulled the machete out from the ground and threw it like a tomahawk at the imp, splitting the top of his head open. He ripped the blade out from the imp's skull and went after the other imps. He blocked away a swing using the side of the machete before driving his elbow into the side of the imp's face, followed by a backhand with his knuckles and cutting the imp's throat. The two remaining imps recovered from their tumble and approached Matthew at fast speeds. He picked up the dagger laying on the floor and deflected every slice and dice the imp tried hitting him with. He impaled the machete through the imp's chest and raised his body into the air before slamming him into the ground, burying the blade deep into the dirt. The last imp tried climbing on his back but Matthew was quick to throw him off. He caught ahold of the imp's hand that was wielding a knife and kicked up into the elbow joint, snapping it the other direction. He lifted the imp's body and broke his spine over his knee. Matthew was breathing heavily after the attempted assassination, his clothes were soaked in blood as well as some stained his arms and face.

????????: Matthew?

He turned around to see a middle teenage boy standing behind him.

Matthew: Y/N.....................................?


[25 Minutes Until The Cleansing Begins]

Y/N: Loona!!

Loona was trapped inside the bathroom as smoke between to crawl from under the door. She tried grabbing onto the door knob but the metal was too hot for her to touch for even a second. She started banging on the door crying for help.

Loona: Y/N!! 

You shielded your face from the heat of the flames by putting your arm up. You looked out of blitz's office window and didnt see the company van back yet. You were running low on oxygen and needed to get loona out of the burning building. You began to mentally prepare yourself, you were going to have to walk through the fire. Small embers started flickering around your body until the whole room was enveloped by swarm of purple flames. 

[20 Minutes Until The Cleansing Begins]

The company van was driving down the road after buying the last supplies for them to take shelter during the execution.

Loona x Male Reader: Demon's Awakening (HelluvaBoss)Where stories live. Discover now