Inuyasha and Kikyo

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On morning Kagome came out of the well and saw Inuyasha sitting beside Kikyo in a tree. Curious she hid behind the well to hear the conversation, and what she heard shocked her. ''Kikyo do you think  we should tell Kagome that we are together ?'' Inuyasha asked Kikyo  ''Maybe. I don't know, she might get mad and run away.'' Kikyo replied with a sad face, she did not want Kagome to get sad.  Hearing Kikyo's reply Kagome ran off into the wood leaving her stuff behind. Meanwhile Koga was hunting when he suddenly heard crying and when he ran to see he found Kagome, shocked he asked her what happened. After a while she told him what happened and Koga went into rage. He was angry because a few weeks back Kagome and Inuyasha were dating and now Inuyasha liked another girl and gave up on Kagome, seeing that Kagome was sad Koga invited Kagome to his den and to rest there for a while. After Kagome said yes Koga picked up Kagome and ran to his den.

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