Chapter 4

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"Breathing is hard. When you cry so much, it makes you realize that breathing is hard." — David Levithan, Love is the Higher Law.

Faiths POV

I just started silently and watch the two arguing till Aiden said something that surprises us.

"I'm her boyfriend." Aiden said smugly. I was shocked by what he said.

While Andrew on the other hand looked mad. His fist clenched hard that you could see his knuckles turning white. His veins are popping out of his neck.

In a blink of an eye. Andrew punched Aiden in the eye making a bruise which made me scream.

Andrew grabbed him by his neck and pinned him on the wall while choking him.

"How dare you touch what's mine, you fucktard." Andrew shouted. I immediately went to them and tried to stop him but me being small, that's not possible.

"Stop it." I shouted. At this point Aiden is gasping for air, while his face is turning white and his lips turning blue.

Seeing that made me scared that Andrew will choke him to death. I used all my strength on Andrew to let Aiden go.

"Andrew, that's enough just let him go." I shouted at him.

He turned to me looking angry and I flinched. His eyes when he was me softened. He turned back to Aiden and let go of him. Aiden slid down the wall while coughing.

I immediately rushed to Aiden to see if he's ok. The thought of Andrew choking him reminded of the time when I came to Madrid. I remembered it so well.


I sighed in disappointment as I made my way out of the building. I got rejected again.

It's been almost 2 weeks since Andrew called of our engagement and my 'new' life in Madrid isn't going so well.

My parents gave me some money to start there. I rented a hotel and immediately look for a teaching job. But apparently I'm not qualified enough.

The rent for my hotel is about to end and if I don't find a job quickly, I will be homeless.

I walked down the street when someone whistled. "hola bella dama, ¿adónde vas?" The man said. It was maybe one of those gangsters and looks drunk. (Hey pretty lady, where you going?)

I ignored him and continue to walk away but my walking was cut off short because someone pulled my arm.

"Te hice una pregunta, tus padres no te enseñaron a no ignorar cuando alguien te pregunta." He told me. I smelled reek of alcohol in his mouth. (I asked you a question, didn't your parents taught you not to ignore when someone ask you.)

"Leave me alone." I told him.

I don't want any trouble. I yanked his hand away but he pulled arm harshly and pinned me to wall. I tried to run but I struggled against his hold.

"You speak English only huh. Well can you understand me now." He said while still holding me. I kicked him in the leg hard and he screamed in pain.

"Oh you're gonna get it." He growled and pinned me to the wall again and punched me in the stomach.

I bent down and he kicked my face that made me fall to the floor. He pulled me to an alley and started to rip my clothes off.

"NO STOP!!!" I screamed but then he started to choke me. "Shut up! if you want to leave then I suggest you shut that pretty mouth of yours." He said that made shivers down my spine.

He zipped down his pants. Tears streamed down my face and a sob broke out of my lips. This can't be happening. I was praying for this man to go away.

He came close to me. This is it. Soon enough my prays have been heard. "¿Hey qué estás haciendo?  ¡Dejala sola!" I heard someone shout and the man immediately ran. (Hey whare are you doing? Leave her alone!)

The person came close to me and kneeled down and checked to see if I'm ok. "T-thank you...thank you"I sobbed and she just held me close.

"Oh my, you have bruises on your body. Come on let's go to the hospital." She said while helping me get up and giving me her coat.

She opened the card door and helped me seat in the backseat. "I'm Amelia by the way." She greeted herself.

"Faith" I greeted myself back.

*Flashback over*

I felt a hand at my back and I thought of him.

"STAY AWAY FROM ME, YOU MONSTER" I screamed and then i met with Andrew's face who looked hurt.

Realization hit me and I just called Andrew a monster. I panicked soon I started hyperventilating.

Aiden quickly embraced me with his hug. "You see what you done. She's having a panic attack because of you." Aiden shouted and guide me to the bedroom.

Aiden helped me calm down and put me in the bed where I started feeling tired. Soon it all turned dark.

Hello darkness my old friend.

*The next day*

I opened my eyes and found myself in my bed. What happened yesterday?

"Your awake." A voice said that made me jump. I turned to look it was Aiden.

Just by looking at him. All the memories from yesterday came back. Andrew really came. He's here in Madrid.

"He really came here, huh?" I asked. He nodded.

"That asshole he really had the nerve to come here just because he is some sort of billionaire." He ranted.

"Sorry about the bruise." I said after noticing a bruise on his neck and eye.

"Why are you sorry about that?" He asked me in disbelief. "He's the one who did this to me, not you. I mean I also did provoke him." He said.

Aiden is actually Amelia's twin brother and is also gay. He works as a retailer in Dior. He is good son to Morty, Aiden always give his father money despite his fathers protest.

"Why would say that you're my boyfriend?" I asked him.

"I thought that he would leave you alone. I don't know. But probably because he doesn't deserve you and I don't want to see you hurt." He explained.

"Anyways I'm going to work. You should probably go get ready to the orphanage. Call me If you need anything." He said. He got up and left.

I head to the bathroom and took a shower. I stepped out and head to the closet and put my clothes on.


I heard my phone vibrate. I opened my phone and saw I got a text from an unknown number.

Unknown number
We'll talk soon again bambi.

It must be Andrew. He still call me by that nickname.

I decided not to ignore it and get the rest of my stuff and left the apartment.

1147 words

WOW guys I started this story 2 days ago and already got 174 reads and got #2 in billionaire. You guys are awesome.

Also I'm not feeling that well. I have a sore throat and a flu so it's not a good day for me, but with this news it makes me happy.

If you guys have a suggestion leave a comment or PM me.

Thank you❤️

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