Chapter 16

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*explicit smut and fluff - can skip chapter*

They walked together hand-in-hand in the direction of the pool, he generously holding her heels in the other.

The wine Hermione sipped at dinner had been minimal but this was a different kind of intoxication. One with storming grey eyes, beautiful words, and a siren's kiss.

She knew what this could lead to... and her conflicting emotions were just barely under the surface.

Excitement and fear.

But she believed - deeply - that Malfoy wouldn't hurt her and that was enough to see where this might go.

When they made it to the pool area, she rolled her eyes. Of course he would have an Olympic-sized swimming pool.

When she turned, a snarky comment on the tip of her tongue, she balked.

Malfoy had already transfigured his dress robes into swimming shorts and was looking at her with a playful smirk and risen brow. The prat.

Her eyes roamed across his body, her throat going dry.

The many scars across his chest and abdominal muscles didn't take away from his beauty. Rather, she yearned to trace them... taste them...

She blushed furiously at where her thoughts ventured.

There wasn't much exploration in sex or intimacy with Ronald. He would order her in a position and she would do what was told in fear of him being too rough.

In the beginning of their relationship, she would try to give him directions but he would appear hurt for suggesting his inadequacy in the bedroom. Within months, she gave up in reaching her own pleasure with him. She once bought a vibrator, but when he discovered the toy under a disillusionment charm, he assaulted her as if to prove a point that it wasn't needed. 

"You trust me, Granger?" Malfoy asked softly, twirling his wand, bringing her back to the present.

Hermione didn't hesitate with her response. "Yes."

He smiled and pointed his wand at her.

Whispers of his magic tickled her skin and she looked down to see he had transfigured her ball gown into a tasteful one-piece swimming costume.

For some reason, she expected a risqué bikini but was pleasantly surprised for his thoughtfulness.

She narrowed her eyes however at the mischievous glint in his eyes as he tossed his wand to the side.

How he was so bloody fast was beyond her but quicker than she could say "twat", he'd thrown her over his shoulder and jumped into the pool.

She cursed him loudly as they hit the water, his laughter echoing around the room. He was quick to make sure her head was safely above water and his grin was so contagious she couldn't help but grin back.

The water was cool but refreshing and any remaining tension in her muscles were beginning to unwind.

They did a few laps together but soon she stopped to watch how his back muscles flexed with each stroke. She wanted to trace every line and rune of his dragon tattoo, she wanted... him. All of him. Pleasure fluttered in her lower belly.

He swam towards her, his silver eyes bright when he stopped directly in front of her. The coolness of the water did nothing to mitigate the heat she felt in his presence.

"You're blushing," he whispered, moving her curls behind her shoulder. "What's on your mind?"


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