"Your mother loved roses, jagiya. . . she would have loved this garden. . . if only you hadn't ruined everything for the both of us. . ."


"Huh? Oh, sorry. . just spaced out."

"No, no, it's alright. No need to apologize. I know how squeamish you can get around dead bodies, you can go ahead and check on Chara if you're interested," Asriel smiles through his mask,

"Thanks, Azzy. . you're an angel . ."

"No worries, me and Hanzo can handle this." Hanzo nods in agreement to what Azzy says, I take of my gloves before hugging them both. I made my way out of the room, going to wash my hands. I can't get that damn rose tattoo out of my head. . . maybe it was a coincidence and maybe he liked roses; I mean hey! Roses are fucking amazing.

But the hangul on the bottom of it is what concerns me the most. . . there would be no reason why a man who I doubt knows the language to have it tattooed on his chest. .

The man who's working for him. . . can it be?

"Miss Frisk?"

I gasp, turning around to see Maya standing right behind me, I sigh in relief before turning on the sink faucet and lathering my hands in the soap that was sitting on my hand for a split minute.

"Hey, hon. Everything okay?"

"Mhm, Mister Takuya asked me to check on you. You don't look so good. ."

"Ah, I'm fine, babe. Just give me a second and I'll be right out." I give a smile. Maya gives one back before she then makes her leave out of the bathroom. 

There's no way that he could be the reason for this. . could he? No. . . it couldn't. . . he was a drunk bum. . . and even then. . . what would he want with Chara?

Or worst to think. . . does he want me?

Shit, let me turn the faucet off so I won't raise the water bill. . . not like I care about this place's bills that they have to pay. . fuck capitalism as always . . 

"Are you sure that everything's okay, Miss Frisk?"

. . . I don't really know. . . is it?

"Heh, of course, My-my. Are you hungry? I was planning on getting all of us some food, wanna come with?"

"Yeah! I would like that!"

"Alright then, Azzy! Can I use your car to get us some food?"

"Of course. There in my coat pocket."  Asriel walks out of the room with Hanzo, while they both took off their face masks and ponchos with the gloves. 

"Wait- Why can I never use your car?" Hanzo looks over at Azzy, with him rolling his eyes in response.

"You don't deserve to use it."

"Oh, piss off, Azzy. After all we've been through and I can't even take a whip in your car?!"


". . . You're a dick."

"Well, it takes one to know one, doesn't it?"

"Whatever, I may not have your car, but I do have your bank account information~"


The two continued to argue their heads off, making me chuckle, I pat Maya's shoulder, signaling that we're about to leave before we both made our way outside of the building.

I need a breather. . . seriously. . . however, I have to think logically about this. . . as to who the boss could be. . . maybe it could be an asshole who coincidentally know Korean as well, but if it is who I think it is. . . we may be doomed. . . 

Wait, let me rephrase that, I might be doomed. . 

Anyways. . . I'm hungry. . . hopefully McDonalds have a good sale on their meals because I'd be damned if we have to have Grillby's once again.

"Buckle up, My-my."

"Got it! . . . You okay Miss Frisk?"

I nod, patting her shoulder before I shift the gear stick.

"Just hungry. ."

"Same here! Let's get going! Its a Friday night and all of the lazy buttholes are gonna take their time at the drive thru window!"

"Pfft- I love that you're not wrong."

"Hehe, thank you, Miss Frisk!"

And with that, we drove off to McDonalds; that unfortunately had a insanely long line.

But at least I had Maya with me, I would be a total nervous wreck right now. . . it was like she knew that something was wrong, and she knew what to do . . 

Well, no shit, she is a volunteering nurse afterall. .

Alright, I gotta bounce, we're next in line and I gotta think about what I'm gonna get (also what what everyone else wants, but I'll just call them. . )

See you lator, alligators!. . . ew. . . never again with that shit. . see you then, my friends! Better. . .much better. . 

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> MISSION TALE III: REVAMPED

a.n: AHHHHHHHH there will be more interactions between the gang soon don't worry! I hope you all are enjoying the series so far!💞

I love you all and make sure to take care of yourselves as always! 💓

If you could as well, leave your thoughts and feelings about the chapter/series in the comments! I always love to read them and reply to them uwu

Until we meet again babies, byee! 💗💗

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