00 Prologue

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The life of the L/n tribe was peaceful. Everyone works side by side in harmony. Everyone takes part of their own tasks and labor; farming, hunting, cooking, cleaning, construction, leading, teaching, etc. The chief of the tribe is Diya L/n, husband of Aika L/n, father of Lucas and Y/n L/n.

The tribe hardly leaves or has visitors, there are rare times that city folks come to their village and the only time they go out to the city is when the need some supplies. Occasionally sometimes the city folks end up living with the tribe making a new life and making a family.

There was a time that the L/n family had to go to the city, Aika need more fabric and thread. Aika brought her kids along with since they were curious about the outside world other then the tribe, Diya was against it at first but with lots of convincing by his wife, he allowed it only if he comes with. He wanted to make sure nothing happens to his family even though he could have one of his loyal guards or friend handle it but he wanted to be the one to keep them safe. He also secretly wanted to keep an eye out to make sure no boy makes a move on his only daughter. Well that kinda backfired on him.

When the family got the things they needed and was ready to head back home, Y/n end up disappearing on them. One minute she was standing in between her brother and mother the next she was gone. Her disappearing gave her family a scare and father a heart attack. Diya was in a panic he end up calling his close friend whom is a pro hero, which end up have a lot of pros searching for his missing daughter, having his mind racing per seconds with all kinds scenarios of his daughter being kidnapped and being held against her will.

An half hour the pros were able to locate where Y/n was at. She was siting at the swings with a green haired boy her age talking and smiling. There was sparkles in Y/n's eyes as the boy that she befriended tells her every about school and pro heroes. In Y/n's mind was set on going to school and be a hero.

Next thing Y/n felt a warm embrace. Diya hugged and cried with Y/n his arms relieved that she was okay and safe. Y/n didn't really understand at the time but she just hugged her father and reinsure him that she was okay.

It's been a month since the incident. Ever since Y/n was told about hero's and public school she was determined to go to school and be a hero. Any chance she got she would ask her father's approval, every single day she did chores and tasks thinking maybe he father will allow her to go but he always said no. She already talked to her brother and mother gaining their approval, they both saw how determined she was.

One day he finally said yes, approving that his daughter could go to public school. But only if she agrees that if something ever happens to her brother or he brother steps down from being chief, she will have to immediately take place as future Chief, without any hesitation she agrees with her fathers terms of agreement. With that being done Diya rearranged having his most trustworthy friend; Shota Aizawa, be his daughters guardian and trainer.

The sounds of a loud beeping sound was heard in the once silent room only to be silent by a hand slamming against the rude alarm clock that come to rude people's beautiful sleep. There was a knock heard and a door opening. "It's been the third time I heard your alarm go off. You been lazy enough, get up." A male sleep deprived voice spoken. A muffled whine was heard by the male.

"No! It's Sunday, you stated that Sundays I'm free to rest, no training. Why are you ruining my beautiful sleeep." The sleepy cat girl voiced out tiredly throwing the soft comfy blanket of her head. "I need you up this time and have you forgotten that, I also stated that you be training more when the entrance exams are near." The tired looking man says as he yanks the girls blanket off her earning a hiss from the girl. "Shota!" The girl shouted giving her guardian a glare.

"Don't glare at me or I'll throw you out out in your pajamas like last time and keep you out there longer this time." Shota looked at girl blankly. A shiver went down the girl's spin at the though of it. "That was embarrassing!" The girl shouted sitting up, fully awake. "You were fine, Y/n." A angry glare was sent his way. "You throw me outside for an hour in my sports bra and shorts!" The girl known as Y/n hissed at the man.

"That was only half a minute, you took to long getting ready. Now stop complaining, be dressed in five minutes or face the consequences. I don't have time I need to get to a meeting." Y/n looks at the time seeing it was twelve at noon.

"Since I can't take you this time, I have someone to watch over you while I'm away. Since the Exams are in three days, I need you to go to Takoba Municipal Beach Park, you'll meet with your babysitter there and train." Y/n groans. "But my beautiful sleep and my bed is telling me to stay, I can't leave them." Shota look the girl annoyed.

"If I can't sleep in then neither can you, brat. If you want to keep complaining I'll have you hanging upside down on the ceiling again." Shota stated to the girl before walking out the room closing the door behind him not allowing Y/n to utter a word in.

Y/n looked at where her guardian stood for half a second in shock. What!? Babysitter? Y/n let out a grumble before doing her morning routine and getting dressed for the day before Shota comes back to leaches her. Y/n finished, she went downstairs grabbed her water bottle and an apple to eat on the way there.

Once Y/n got to her location she noticed that Izuku was doing push-ups. "So this is what you been up to Izu, that explains a lot why you're always tired and exhausted in class." Y/n says walking over to the two figures on the beach surrounded by garbage. "And here you had me thinking you been binge watching videos on All Might and the pro heroes." Y/n said with a sly smile knowing full well that All Might was there. "Y/n! W-what are you doing here?" Izuku looked surprised and a bit flustered when he heard the girl's comment. "Well the old man said I need to be here and train, since he's busy at the moment. So you're my babysitter, it's nice to see you again All Might." Y/n looked at the tall buff man in font of her with a grin creeping up on her face. "Anyways let's get back to training!" Y/n cheered happily at the two, ready to get her training done.

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