° Chapter 2 °

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After the kings left, Jinnie started to clean up her apartment. She was still recovering from the very unexpected and very strange encounter with seven kings from a diffrent dimension
" Wow that was... something " she murmurs to herself while throwing the leftover food in the trash can.

One thing that her mind did keep going to is that guy that landed in the shops kitchen. Everytime she kept thingking about him she smiled.
" He is kind of cute not going to lie " she said to herself while giggeling slightly. " God FOCUS JINNIE FOCUS " she figuratively slapped herself back to reality

Meanwhile Dann and his gang ( lol ) ...

" EYOOOOOOOO BROTHER GOT HIMSELF A GIIIIIIIIIIRRRRRRRLLLL " Chiwoo exclaimed while playfully slapping Danns shoulder.
" Chiwoo, how many times to I have to say this. I. GOT. TELEPORTED. TO. AN. UNKNOW. PLACE. BY. MY. RING. DURING. COMBAT! " Dann angrily said tothe younger on for the one millionth time.
He was still in pain even after the wound was taken care of.
" Be careful yall, Dann is still in pain remember? Also who's taking care of the wound when we return? " Mujin said with a worries expression on his face.

" Mujinah don't worry. That girl showed me how to take care of it. " , " Will you tell me when you need help though? " Mujin asked Dann, to which Dann responded with a nod and showed the stuff Jinnie gave to him. Mujin smiled in response.

After a while the kings arrived at the main palace, Louis was helping the injured Dann off his horse while the others got off by themselves.
Dann grunted in pain while leaning on Louis' shoulder. He looked down and saw that blood was seeping through the bandage.
" Well I guess it's time to clean the bandage " Dann said while grunting in pain trying to get the bandage off while walking to the gates of the castle.
" WHOA THERE SIR! WE GOT TO DO THAT INSIDE! " Mujin yelled in shock at seeing what he was doing with the bandage.
Dann let out a loud laugh " BEAHAHAHAH MUJIN BAHAHAHAHA DON'T WORRY ABOUT ME BIG GUY! " Mujin looked at Dann angrily.
" I swear to eveverything that's holy start walking " The way Mujin was getting angry at the other kings got everyone laughing and chuckling.

When they arrived at the palace, Dann immediately sat down on the couch and started taking care of his leaking wound with the help of Louis and Mujin. Dann clenched his teeth when the bandage was practically ripped off of the wound. " Sir I think your wound needs to be stiched up " Mujin exclaimed at the sight of the wound. Dann looked down as blood was slowly dripping down his side.
Louis called Ivan to get the stiching kit and some herbs that would help sedate Dann to the point he doesn't feel any pain

" Here sir take this it's a sedative herb mixture it's supposed to make you feel drowsy so that you will be in less pain when we stich you up " Ivan said to Dann. Dann took the mixture and drank it.
A few moments later he was laying on the couch k.o.
Mujin was the one stching his side up since he is the one with a large experience in treating combat wounds.

" So that will do it " he said while cleaning up the wound and putting a clean bandage on it " Wake him up Louis with the smelling salts " Mujin ordered Louis.
And that's what he did
Dann immediately woke up from the smelling salts. He sat up abruptly but got humbled almost immediately when he felt a stining sensation in his side.
" Sir you have to rest for a week now. Let the stitches do their work properly " Ivan said gently pushing Dann down on the couch. " We will take care of you, Arthur in the mean time will take your position until you're healed up. So go get changed into your sleep attire and well make sure to do the rest " Ivan said to Dann as he gave the sleeping gown to Dann.

Arthur, who was wearing a full armour suit, walked up to Dann and asked " Do you know where the wolves from the wolf kingdom you fought with went to? " , " No unfortunately I do not I sincerely hope they don't remember my scent because if that's the case, and we would have to fight them, we are in need some extra pair of hands when it comes to wound treatments. Mujin wouldn't be able to handle it on his own but I think I know who to ask "

Dann gave Arthur a peice of paper that he scribbled something on.
Arthur looked at it and asked " How do I get there ? " Dann took off his ring and said ," Just use my ring, if you draw a circle it will open the portal to the place you want to get to "

Arthur did as told and walked through the kitchen to Jinnie's apartment.
He looked around to remember where he walked the last time.
He walked past every door until he saw a door that he reconized.
So he put the parchment roll with Danns message on the door with some bees wax and walked off through the portal back to Dann

" Sir the message has been delivered " he said while bowing slightly. " Good now we wait till tomorrow. Even tough I might not be healed by then, I'll still go with you guys to explain the situation to her".

End of chapter

Chiwoo leaving is taking a toll on me...
But regardless I hope you enjoyed reading this story. Follow my Instagram ( yongheehee_ ) for updates on the story.
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