"YOu're someone new?" I asked curiously.

"Yes," she said quickly.

"What's your name?" Sam asked.

"Maddie," she said a bit confused.

"Maddie? like at SHANLEY?" I asked in shock.

"Yup," she responded quickly. 

"We always knew she was attached to you..." Sam said.

"Why are you here?" I asked.

"Only me," Jen responded.

"Ooo, Maddie is jealous!! she heard you chatting about Jen," Sam laughed.

"Yup! Yes, only, no more.." Jen rambled. Sam tapped Jen on the shoulder. As soon as she took them off she giggled, fluffing her hair and shaking her head a bit.

"You pissed someone off!" she said looking at me, "The name, is it who I think it is? is it your ghost girlfriend?"

"I think so, she's attached," Sam laughed.

"Dang, she definitely doesn't like me," she laughed, rubbing the back of her neck before putting her hair up in a messy bun. Fuck, she's so gorgeous.

"I couldn't imagine why," Sam snickered shaking his head.

"She still has the hots for Colby," she said, "And doesn't like you around other females!!"

"Oh, well, then I guess she decided to take over...." I shrugged.

"She doesn't want you being with me, she's annoyed..." Jen chuckled, "She is very pretty, but I gotta agree with her. she is more beautiful than you!"

"Oh, well there we go, at least you like her," I chuckled.

"And you don't like her?" she asked, raising a brow, "She didn't care for that..."

"Oh Maddie's my ghost girl, we always have a connection," I chuckled. She laughed and shook her head.

"No worries girly, you'll always be his number one, I swear I won't try to steal him, you're welcome to go back to your room. I know it's draining for you to be here," Jen smiled.

"Wow, denied dude," Sam laughed

"Well, she's gone now, what did you say to piss her off?" she laughed.

"I think it's just because he's around a female, happens often," Sam laughed.

"Yea every time I'm around a female friend even my mom I feel her presence, she's like the crazy ex I can't shake," I laughed.

"Maddie, if you can still hear me, you can no longer continue to follow Colby. You need to release him of your attachment," she said, "You're free to go and cross over!"

"For sure that'll work," I chuckled, shaking my head and rubbing my neck.

"She pouted but she left..." Jen shrugged, shaking her head at me, "All you gotta do is ask..." She handed the Estes method back to Sam.

"I think they're getting a bit fed up, there's a few here but they've had enough," she said.

"Alright, let's move on to a different room?"  Sam suggested.

"Sure we can leave the next Estes method for the 3 AM hour," I smiled.

"Perfect!" she smiled, and we got up to head out. 

"So which spot should we hit up next?" Sam asked.

"Let's hit the portal stairway should we?" Jen smiled.

"Nice thinking ma'am nice thinking," he agreed. I smiled and walked down beside her.

"So, what did you say?" she asked, "You said something that made her jealous..." I turned to her and shrugged.

"Probably heard me make the beautiful comment," I said.

"You'd think she would show up earlier," she said.

"I made a comment that Colby thought you were hot..." Sam snickered.

"Yup, that'll do it..." Jen laughed, "She was not a happy camper, but she really is beautiful..."

"I am sure she is," I smiled, nodding, "I figured. She seemed like the confident type."

"But I lied when I said she was more attractive than you..." she said softly. 

"Oh yeah?" I asked smiling over at her, taking in her eyes smiling up at me.

"Of course, I'm a fan remember?" she laughed, nudging my side.

"Okay, so who's more attractive me or sam?" I chuckled raising a brow.

"I dunno, I'm a sucker for blondes, but I got respect for Kat!" she teased.

"Wooow, okay..." I laughed, "Thanks!"

"Oh cheer up Brock, focus on the task at hand," she said, as we reached the stairwell.

"Alright, let's get this party started," Sam chuckled. The moment we reached the landing Jen froze in place.

"What's wrong?" I asked. she didn't respond, she just turned to look at me, then immediately sat down on the floor.

"We have to leave....." she said quickly, "Right now."

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