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D.R.0.W.N.€.D... (CHAPTER 11)






It's been a month since the incident. My friends did really take care of me especially Lisa and I can't help not to feel the feelings I felt before and it's growing day by day. 

Jisoo: What are you going to do with your suitor? I mean Kai? 

Jennie: To be honest? I don't know. I'm still thinking about how I will turn him down in a nicest way. Aarrgghh This isn't really easy!  

Jisoo: How about Lisa? 

Jennie: I-i don't know either. Do I need to confess first or I'll just wait for her to make the first move? 

Rosé: You know what? You two are so annoying! You're playing hide-and-seek! Hahaha. 

Jisoo: You both know what you feel for each other. Why don't you just talk like Babe and I did? 

Jennie: Is it possible? I'm scared. What if she doesn't feel the same way? I mean yeah I know she is but, what if it changes? 

Rosé: Come on, Unnie. I know my best friend feels the same way, she's just too shy to tell you like you are right now. 

Jennie: I-i don't know.

Jisoo: Cheer up you Mandu! Let's plan later okay? But, for now? Let's eat the cookies you made. 

Rosé: These are all yummy, Wifey! Can I have some more, please? 

Jennie: I know this will happen so I baked extra! Hahaha. Slow down no one will steal your cookies, Hubby. 

Lisa: (suddenly came and bite Rosé cookies) hmmmmm yummy! 

Rosé: Y-you!!!!! (Angry face)

Lisa: What? (Munching the cookies)

Jisoo: Yaaaaah!!! How dare you?!!! (About to go to Lisa) 

Jennie: Enough Kids! I'm going now, I don't want to see you fighting for my cookies! 

Lisa: And where are you going dumpling?! 

Jennie: I-i ....

Jisoo: She baked those cookies for Kai! (Smirk to Lisa) 

Lisa: O-oh, 'kay. 

Jennie: See you all later. Please stop fighting and yeah clean this house for Pete's sake I'm so tired of cleaning your mess everyday! I just want to remind you guys, that I may no longer have a cast in me but that doesn't mean you can do this to me! (Fake cry) 

Rosé: Oh my gosh, I'm sorry Wifey. Don't worry these two will clean our house from now on. (Glare at the two) 

Lisa: Are you serious? Hahaha I'm not gonna do that! 

Jisoo: Same here! You guys know how I hate dust so much! 

Jennie: Is that so? Hmmmmm Hubby? 

Rosé: Yes, Wifey? 

Jennie: Let's leave this messy house and live on our own! I don't want to spend the rest of my life cleaning their mess. (Pointing Lisa and Jisoo)

Rosé: I think that's a GREAT idea, Wifey! I'll search online for apartment vacancies later. 

Lisa/Jisoo: (run and started cleaning) 

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