XVIII. You're Not Welcome

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It's not supposed to feel soft, but it did. It's not supposed to feel warm but it did. It's not supposed to feel safe, but it did. And worst of all, it's not supposed to feel like home, but it did.

Something about the way Franz was standing in the same room as Fryderyk just felt right, but not in Fryderyk's head. It felt right in his heart, which made it all the more difficult. This man couldn't accept the fact that despite Franz' betrayal, deep down, he might've still had that little part of him that never got over Franz. That doesn't want to get over Franz.

But that didn't matter too much anymore because Franz was no longer in the room. Fryderyk had asked Franz to leave earlier, and though hesitant, Franz quietly left the room, save for some muffled and choked back sobs.

It was heartbreaking, but the rest of the day was merciless and just continued on for the two of them. Fryderyk tried to work on a new piece for his upcoming release, but his head found it so difficult to concentrate.

Every time he'd try to sit at the piano, he couldn't help but recall how excited Franz looked when he first opened that door this morning. Franz looked so happy and wonderful. He looked like a child who had just gotten the chance to open his first Christmas present. He looked so sincere and beautiful. He looked familiar.

And though Fryderyk wanted so bad to touch the man, to hold him in his arms and never let go, it took him every last fiber in his body to refrain. Even though his heart wanted it so much, Fryderyk couldn't just forgive him for leaving like that. And he's not sure he ever can.

These thoughts flood Fryderyk's head, suffocating his music making, that he gets up and leaves his piano. "I've gotta find myself a distraction." he thinks to himself. "I won't be able to make the deadline at this rate. For the love of Mozart, get a grip, Fryderyk Chopin! That man left you! He doesn't love you! Stop thinking about him!" he shouts out loud to nobody in particular but the walls of his living space.

Fryderyk tries hard to convince himself as he's putting on a coat, getting ready to leave his door and take a breather, that he doesn't need a man like Franz and that he's doing better now. Meanwhile Franz is out at the entrance of their building. He's holding his luggage, phone in hand, held close to his ear, as he talks into it.

"Hey Hector! How's it going?" he greets. Franz is trying to find a place to crash for a few days since someone else is already renting out the space next to Fryderyk's. "Kinda sucks" Franz said, "It was a good spot." referring to his old flat.

Before giving Franz the go-signal to stay over at his place, Hector asks to meet up with Franz at the old café they used to work together in to discuss this matter over in person for a while. "I don't see any problems with that." So Franz agrees.

Franz was about to leave the building, when another man slowly walks up behind him. It was Fryderyk. He had just left his flat to go on a little walk to clear his head. Each step taking him closer to Franz before either of them could even realize the other's presence. But before they could meet, Franz walks away.

So close yet so far, the two don't cross paths. Franz is headed towards the old café he used to work at, while Fryderyk, after stepping out of the building, is headed towards the park in the opposite direction.

As Franz arrives at the café, he looks around and sees that everything looks exactly the same as before he left. "Glad to know not everything's changed around here." he says to himself. "Hey Franz, my man!" Hector greets out loud from the counter, waving at Franz with a huge grin on his face.

This catches Franz' attention and he starts walking towards the counter, laughing as he sees Hector working. They give each other a high-five as Hector welcomes his old friend back into the city. "Where've you been man?" Hector asks. "Just, umm, around." Franz hesitates, "Had to visit home for a bit." "Right, right. I remember." Hector remarks, maybe with just a little hint of snarkiness in his voice, but it was so subtle that Franz could've just mistaken it.

Franz isn't going to lie. It was a bit awkward being back here. Considering he'd made so much memories and then all of a sudden, he was like poof, gone. But coming back shouldn't be too hard right? Hector takes his order and Franz looks for an empty spot. "I've a break in a few minutes. How about we catch up in a bit, yeah?" Hector offers, to which Franz agrees.

He sits down and sips on his hot coffee, warming his insides up a bit. It's spring right now but the air outside is still a bit chilly sometimes, so a nice cup of hot coffee felt really good and comforting. Franz takes in the ambience of the whole place, and he's never felt more at home.

A few minutes later and Hector arrives. They catch up and talk about what's been going on since Franz left, filling him on all the details about the shop, work, maybe even a little sprinkle about some nice places Franz could find himself to live in, though nothing final yet. But something felt off about Hector.

Though it was a very minute detail, Franz felt like there was something about Hector that seemed... chary. He was acting a bit suspicious, like he was holding something back from Franz. He didn't like how there might be a little secret kept from him like this, so he asks him flat out.

"What's up, Hector?" Franz asks out of nowhere.

"Uhh, nothing much? What's up with you?" Hector replies, a bit confused and dumbfounded by Franz' sudden serious expression.

"Come on, man. I know you're hiding something. What's up?"

"I'm not hiding anything though?" Hector persists, still acting clueless.

"Is it about my boyfriend, Fryderyk?"

"Alright, hold up. For starters, he's not your boyfriend. You guys broke up."

"For starters, yes he is. We never broke it off."

In all honesty, Franz is sounding very stupid right now. But whatever is going through that marvelous head of his, only God knows.

"Franz come on, just knock it off-"

"No Hector." he cuts Hector off. "Tell me what's up? You've been acting all weird ever since I got here! Is there something on my face? Did I do something weird? What's going on with you?" he says, slightly raising his voice as Franz starts to get irritated from Hector trying to avoid this conversation. But Hector bites back.

"What's wrong with me?" Hector frowns, "What's wrong with you, Franz?" Hector finally hisses, "You disappear for God-knows how long, you leave my best friend behind, break his heart, cut off work, cut off contact, and all of a sudden you come back here from outer space and expect everything to still be the same?!"

The few customers in the café start giving them weird looks but the two boys pay them no attention.


"Do you think this is a joke, Franz?!" Hector gets up from his seat all of a sudden, "You can't just go around breaking people's hearts and coming back expecting the world to welcome you with open arms after being so selfish like that, Franz!"

"Hector, I don't get it-"

"Oh!" Hector chuckles, "You don't get it?" he asks mockingly, "He doesn't get it, everyone!" Hector says as he slowly sits down on his chair again. "Well let me break it down for you then, sir. How about a recap?" Hector calmly says as he looks at Franz straight in his eyes.

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