Already Hired?!

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~Time set a couple of weeks before~
Third POV + Takemichi's

"Guys! Guys! I got Takemichi a job!" A black-haired man yelled.

"Yo! That's great news!" Someone with glasses said, cheering.

"You did well, Makoto" A chestnut blonde man praised. "Wow.. that's not usual for me to say"

"HEY! What's that supposed to mean?!" Makoto yelled, feeling very offended.

"Don't worry about it! Now, what'd you get 'Michi here a job?" A plum-haired man pointed to 'Michi', interested in the new job he was talking about.

"Well you better not be pranking or make my job into a fucking stripper"

Takemichi glared at Makoto, pretty sure he wasn't serious because he was very much the problem with all of the bad things that happened to them.

He loves him but, honey, dude, bro, man, please, please try to lay low with think-with-your-dick ideas, specifically crazy ideas that will end with them getting jailed. He wanted to say that but it would get on a completely different change of course instead of the actual topic.

Never induce into his schemes, when he says never— never ever do. You'll regret it after he breaks the news.

"Never knew you wanted to be a stripper so bad, Michi! But I was considering it.. Ow-!" He got thwacked on the head thrice and a kick to his sides. Deserved!

"Idiot!" "Baka!" "You pervert!"

"Hey hey! I was just kidding! Haha.." Not, because he made deals with the owner. That was a fucking lie. He did manage Takemichi to apply for the job(making Takemichi sign for a paper not knowing what it was-)if he didn't get accepted to his other job..

Sharing the same looks with his friends, clearly not believing his bullshit. Deadpanned, "What's the job..?" Hesitant clear on their voice, dreading what news their horny infected friend.

"It's.. drumroll please.." Stopping for a couple of seconds before he heard drumrolls -or attempted by Yamagishi- for dramatic effects "It's..!"

"Get on with it! I'm getting tired here!" "Shut up! I'm trying to be dramatic!" "Then do it FASTER! I'm hungry!"

"Shush!! Ahem, as I was saying!" Drumrolls continued with annoyed glares, suspense? No, just stupidity. "It's..! A makeup artist! For idols!"

Gasps, 'oohhs' filled the room. Not bad—


Flinching, at the sound that resonated in the room. Takemichi looked bewildered. What the heck! It was a good job! Why did they hit Makoto-kun?!

"Dude! What the hell! That hurts ya know?!"

"Booooo! You did no justice!" "Yeah! Why didn't you find a modeling job!?" "Michi's too pretty to be hidden!!"

They were booing!? Why?? And what did they mean pr-pretty?!

"Wha-? What do you guys mean by pretty!?" He asked, earning himself multiple sighs and pats on his shoulder.

"It's ok Michi don't worry we will have our justice one day.." Yamagishi sighed.

"Yeah! But you did well too, Makoto!" Akkun praised, slapping him on the back. A yelp, before confusion, started to show in his face. Because what?

"Mhm.. you kept Michi from unwanted eyes." Takuya agreed too.

"Good job, good job! You did well, dude!" Yamagishi gave a thumbs up.

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