Another group of guards ran by, followed by a dark-skinned man in a black leather suit and an eyepatch. He was marching angrily through the hall behind the group of guards, seemingly annoyed by something.

"We have security breach in the west side of the building. Two men down. I want the fugitive found before he gets to the main deck." he ordered, then disappeared around the corner of the hall.

Shit, they know I'm here.

I snapped my head to the left, seeing a door with a sign that indicated that it lead to a staircase. I quickly jumped down in front of it, and opened the door, sprinting down the flight of stairs. I stopped in front of the first door I came across. There was a sign above the door.

Section B.

I peered through the glass in the door, trying to see what was behind it. All I could make out were more rooms, and more hallways. I stepped away from the door, and continued down the stairs. A door opened from below, indicating that someone was about to enter the staircase as well. I grit my teeth, and waited to see how many were coming.

From the sound of the footsteps, it sounded to be about three. Piece of cake. I jumped up on the railing, sitting in a ready position as they sprinted up the stairs. As soon as the first guard rounded the stairs, I jumped, kicking him back against the wall. His head hit the wall first, knocking him out instantly.

"We found the-!"

I kicked the second guard in the face before he could finish his statement. He grunted at the impact, and stumbled backwards into the third guard. Before they could do anything else, I ran at them, jumping up to wrap my legs around the second guard's neck. I flipped my body around, grabbing the third guard in my arms, and harshly threw them both down on the ground. Their bodies made a snapping sound as they hit, indicating their bones breaking as they hit the floor.

Once I was sure that they weren't conscious, I sprinted past them to continue on down the stairs. I stopped at another door, and read the sign above it.

Section C.
(Main Deck)

I smirked, and went to open the door. The handle wouldn't budge.


I rolled my eyes. Every other door was open, of course the more important one would need a key card.

I took a step back, and harshly kicked the metal door open, sending it flying off of it's hinges. I sprinted into the hallway, hearing multiple guards making their way towards me. I jumped up to the ceiling and climbed over them as they ran by.

Once I was sure they didn't see me, I continued to climb though the halls, searching for anything that could direct me to where they keep the files. I entered a larger room at the end of the hallway; there was a large opening in the center of the floor that lead straight down to the last floor of the facility, with walkways that lead to other sections of the floor on each side of the room. I jumped across the large hole, and landed on the walkway across from me.

Before I could continue down the hallway, an arrow shot in front of me, landing just feet away from my feet. It made a soft beeping sound, a warning that it was rigged to explode.

My eyes widened, and I quickly jumped to the side over the bright yellow railing just before it exploded. Before I fell down the large opening, I quickly grabbed onto the railing, and swiftly swung myself under it back onto the walkway.

I turned to the direction where the arrow came from, spotting a man standing on one of the walkways from above, pointing another arrow directly at me. I recognized him instantly.

Corrupted - The Tigris Series Book 1Where stories live. Discover now