It was all...a lie?

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A/N: OMG WRITERS BLOCK!!!!!! ITS SLOWLY KILLING MY BRAIN!!!!!! Anyway, back to the story.


~le 3 month time skip~

Nikki POV

It's been three months since Scourge and I first started dating, and it's been the best 3 months of my life. Scourge has surprised me with flowers, chocolate, and jewelry. You know, usual girl stuff. So our 3 month anniversary is coming up, and I'm asking Tails what to get him.

"Should I get him Video Games?"

"Has a lot."


"Since when do guys want clothes for a present?"

"I don't know!" I finally yelled, exsasperated. I flumped on the couch. Tails walked over.

"I know it's been three months, but I still can't shake the feeling something is going to go wrong." Tails said concerned. I rolled my eyes.

"If Scourge was going to do anything bad, he would have done it by now." Right on cue, my phone went off.


Hey Babe, got a really cool anniversary gift for you. See you 2nite ;)


"Ugh! Now I have to find a really cool gift for him." I said. I rolled off the couch.

"Later Tails. I have to go find a gift." I said. We said bye, and I left the house.

~le time skip~

Nikki POV (still)

I stood on the pier, with a cake in a box in my hands. Would he like it? I hope so. Scourge walks up.

"Hey babe, what's up?" He asks. He takes the cake box and sets it down. We kiss, then sit on the edge of the pier.

"Do you wanna see my present?" Scourge asks excitedly. I nod, and he yells "COME ON OUT!!!!!!"

Out walks a girl with shoulder length red-brown hair, and a Legend Of Zelda tee on. I know instantly who it is.

"MEGAN!!!!!!" I yell and I run up and hug her. Megan smiles.

"Hey we need to tell you something important." Megan says. Her face full of concern.

"What?" I ask.

"Someone's after you, and I'm afraid they want to kill you." Woah. Unexpected.

"What! Who?" I ask.

"Us." Megan pulls a Taser from out of nowhere and electrocutes me. I scream in pain and fall to the ground.

The last thing I see is Megan and Scourge kissing.

Megan POV

"Us." I pull out a taser and electrocute Nikki, she screams and falls to the the ground. Pathetic. Just like in school. Scourge walks up to me and we kiss.

"Hey baby." I say. "I need to call Dr. Eggman and let him know we have her."

I pull out my phone and dial his number.

"Eggman, we have her."

"Really? Good! Bring her over as soon as you can, soon Sonic will surrender to protect his little baby sister! HOHOHOHO!!!"

"Eggman, calm down."

"BAKA!!! Just bring Nicole here."




Sonic: when isn't he right.

Me: when he's wrong :P

Sonic: -.-"

Me: whatever. Comment, vote, all that good stuff. Don't forget to comment dares!



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