
The doors opened and Robin yelled "the air! It's tastes good!"

Robin and Steve were yelling out air tasting when you pointed out the Russian soldiers coming, "Hey look friends!"

Dustin grabbed your hand and pushed the other two along as he yelled to move. Once he got everyone in, he closed the door.


"Where are we going?" Erica yelled as they were dragging the other three behind them.

"Just trust me." Dustin replied.

They raced down the hall trying to lose the soilders.

Dustin opened a door and looked both ways before going into the movie theater.

They walked down the hall into the back to the future movie.

"Aw no popcorn?" You whispered.

Steve shoved a bag in your hands, "I found it in the trash."

"Nice I want some." Robin said.

Dustin dragged you back to the front of the theater, "you three sit."

Robin whined, No, no,no! These seats are too close!" She whisper yelled.

Thw two sat down anyway, "dude these seats blow." Steve whisper yelled and shoved popcorn into his mouth.

"Then don't watch the movie." Dustin said.

"We wanna watch it." Robin said sounding like a little kid.

"Then watch it!" Dustin yelled back.

The guy behind you shushed you and you shushed back.

"What ever you do, don't go anywhere." Dustin said.

Steve shoved more popcorn in his mouth, "fine Dad."

You and Robin snickered at the comment.

You watched the movie for a while until Robin asked a question, "What's happening?"

"I have no idea" Steve said, which you agreed with.


Steve drank from the water fountain.

Robin spoke up, "so like, I wasn't focused or anything but, in pretty sure, that mom was trying to bang her son."

Steve leaned up from the fountain, "wait, wait, the hot chick was Alex P. Keatons mom?"

"I think so." You said sitting on the carpet.

"Bu they're the same age." Steve said.

"Because he went back in time." You explained.

"But the title is back to the future." Steve said.

Robin sighed, "he has to go back to the future because he's in the past. So the future is actually the present, which is his time."

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