ch 1 what timeline is this

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(aether POV)

Amber "hey aether I heard that someone found ainchint ruins nearby wanna go check it out".

Me "I suppose it'll help take my mind off my sister".

Amber "It's ok we'll get her back somehow now let's go".


Amber "hey aether look at this those hillcurls are floating"?

Me "what happened here".

Amber "I don't know we shou-".


??? "Hands up drop your weapons"

Amber "wh-" *BANG*


Amber and I comply and put down our weapons.

??? "Now turn around and walk towards me...slowly"

Me "Ok j-just don't hurt us"

??? "Good now on your knees hands behind your back"

We do that then feel a weight on our hands probably manacles of some sort

??? "Now off your knees walk"

The walk towards where ever we were going was eerily silent

??? *Mumbling* "It's Quite too quite"

*Maticurll warcry*

??? ,"Fuck more of 'em"

Three maticurlls and two dozen hillcurls dash out of the treeline

Quickly their captor responds by firing his pyro catalyst in short controlled bursts (anyone get that reference) eliminating the majority of the hillcurls in an instant.


Then he threw something which burned and "killed" The rest.

With two moves he had single handedly killed a raiding party that could have caused massive casualties for the knights of mosdat (I can't spell)

??? "FUCK that was my last Molotov cocktail ... whelp when in Rome ...
Now onto you two where did you come from and why are you looking for me."

Amber "we heard about suspicions activity in the forest so we decided that we should check it out".

??? "Where did you come from"?

Aether "Mosdat".

??? "Where is this Mosdat".

Amber "We can take you there"

??? *Pulls out a knife*

Aether's mind *no no no wait wait wait*

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Aether's mind *no no no wait wait wait*.

??? *Cuts zipties* "quick and easy just the way I like it now let's go".

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