《 Drone Home 》

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In a sunny day, Sonic, Gwen, Tails, and Knuckles are walking down a path in an open nature field.

"The town of Green Hills. A nice quiet place." Sonic said.

Gwen looks around, suspiciously.

"Almost too quiet."

"This isn't the way of the library." Tails said, flying beside them.

"I swore an oath to return the sacred tomes or Maddie will be dishonored with late fees." Knuckles said, showing three books he's holding.

"Well, we better be quick about it." Gwen said.

"This is just a detour."

Sonic turns to the readers.

"Gwen, Knuckles, and Tails didn't know something mysterious was going on at the junkyard."

"Who are you talking to?" Tails asked in confusion.

"Are you seriously breaking the fourth wall?" Gwen asked, unamused.

"I'm narrating. Cool heroes do it in detective movies all the time. And no, sis I'm not breaking the fourth wall."

"What's the fourth wall?" Knuckles asked.

"It's a conceptual barrier between those presenting some kind of a communication and those receiving it. Basically, it's like the imaginary wall at the front of the stage separating the audience from the performers."

"Hm... Well, I wish to narrate, too."

Knuckles starts his narrating.

"Knuckles was very handsome and strong, much stronger than Sonic."

"Tails was just excited to be included." Tails joined in.

"Great... Now Gwen is dealing with idiots, who are clearly breaking the fourth wall..." Gwen groaned.

All the way, the four walks into the Green Hills Junkyard.

"Tails' narration was weak and sad."

Immediately, Gwen smacks Knuckles on the head for being a little mean. Stopping, Sonic shushes them.

"We're on an investigation. Wade told me there have been weird noises up here at night."

As if on cue, noises are coming from inside the junkyard, Knuckles slowly makes his way forward with Gwen following him while Tails hides behind Sonic. Although a little displeased by this, Sonic nonetheless makes his way forward, with a scared Tails walking behind him. From behind some junk, Sonic, Gwen, Tails, and Knuckles spot an aerial Badnik drone called Unit with a robotic body made of junk.

"Upgrade. Upgrade. Need to upgrade. Unit must upgrade and conquer the world." Unit said, rummaging through the junk for parts to build himself up with.

Sonic gasps in realization, recognizing that robot.

"Oh! It's one of Robotnik's drones."

"That's impossible. I thought we destroyed it." Gwen said, wide eyes.

"It's been upgrading itself." Tails said worriedly.

Standing up, Knuckles scoffs in confidence.

"Ha! No match for me!"

However, Unit notices him.

"Biologicals detected."

It starts to fire lasers at Knuckles, whom they barely miss, but still succeed in blowing Knuckles off his feet. Knuckles then notices to his shock that one of the lasers has pierced all of Maddie's books.

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