Chapter 22

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 A/N- I have covid and honestly feel so much worse with each passing day lmao. Pain is real. Anyway, enjoy <3

*Location- Jackson Ave Street*

-Third Person P.O.V-

The sun was finally setting within the sky, the sun just peaking above the horizon, casting a golden glow on the lively city that never seemed to sleep. Amongst the busy travellers, was Peter Parker, also known (by a few) as Spider-Man.

He sat upon a roof building, his Spider-Man mask firmly placed over his head as he looked across all the moving people. Although from this height, they all seemed more like ants travelling in a colony to their homes.

In a way, Peter guessed it was just like that. Every day people worked to serve the higher ups, even without their knowing.

Peter shook his head of all his thoughts and spoke up. "K, you got anything for me?"

'There is a building fire five blocks away, I will show you how to get there,' Karen responded, before a map appeared in the corner of his mask and he was on his way.


The nightlife seemed to be just as busy as the day, which shocked Peter as it was only a Thursday night. After his night with Tony on Saturday, he had spent the rest of Sunday with them all before going to see Bucky and the other rouge avengers before forcing himself 'home.'

He had been right when he thought it wouldn't end well when he went back to May. She had been pissed at him and had shown that by the many bruises, cuts and fractured (he hoped it wasn't worse) ribs.

Thankfully, no one had questioned where it had come from, but he knew people were starting to grow suspicious of him. After all, there is no way Peter would be able to be getting bullied this much, and with him being Spider-Man, it should realistically be clearing up rather quickly. But seeing as May was always hitting him and never allowing him to have a moment of peace, and to add to that, Flash was always hitting him and he never got enough food nowadays to get his healing to kick in and actually fix everything.

Peter had gone to spend some more time with the rouge avengers, of course though, spending every evening with Bucky and feeling as though he was finally safe and happy. Twice, Bucky had suggested that the pair of them go to the warehouse to see the others. (Bucky later admitted that the others were complaining that they couldn't see Peter so Bucky was forced into bringing him there. Although, he would be lying if he said he minded, he could see how happy Peter was being around them and he knew Peter felt safe while being there.)

He hadn't spent anymore nights at the tower, although he had stuck to the routine of going to see Tony, Pepper, Rhodey and Happy every Monday, Wednesday and he plans to go there tomorrow as well. It had been a nice reprise from being around May and feeling like every breath may cause him to be hit.

In fact the feeling of being hurt, tormented and in pain was quickly becoming something that wasn't happening very often anymore. Peter was able to avoid it more and more each day, instead staying out with Bucky until May went off to work, or waiting for her to fall asleep.

Of course though, if he came back a little late and thought May was asleep and he was wrong he was screwed. He learnt that three days ago when May had roughed him up pretty bad, but not something that caused him to be out of commission because of it.

Another issue was that he could never know when May was working and when she wasn't. Her shifts at night continued to change as sometimes she might take on a shift, or other times drop them. Which means Peter is always risking it when he got 'home,' unsure if May would be there and if she would be angry.

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