Chapter 12

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A/N- I have written so much of this story, so seeing where you guys are shocks me as I forget how much more has been written and not yet published. I'm hoping soon I'll be updating weekly as it would have all been written and edited.

*Location- Stark Towers*

-Third Person P.O.V-

The past couple of weeks, Tony had been working endlessly on trying to find a solution for the rouge Avengers- or the Ex Avengers as they're also known as. Tony knew, realistically that the only way he would be able to resolve this was if he were able to actually talk to them himself and get a gauge on what they wanted.

But deep down, Tony knew he wasn't ready yet to see them and talk to them. Although he had now been sober for a week and a half- although that may be because instead of drinking until he passed out, he was now working until he passed out (personally he thought this was a better alternative, Pepper, Rhodey and Happy still weren't happy with him for it though), but it was better than drinking to him. Tony knew if he were to see them it might send him back into a spiral and he didn't want that.

Not only had he been trying to work on solving the accords, but he was also keeping a close eye on Spider-Man. He was yet to find the identity of whoever it was, and that meant he wasn't sure if they were a threat or not. He mostly believed that whoever it was had good intentions, after all, all this time that they've been 'Spider-Man,' they've done nothing wrong and have actually helped.

However, that didn't mean they would be out of Ross's view, and if Ross were to catch a scent of Spider-Man, then Tony knew there would be no way of stopping Ross before they were either forced to sign the accords, or sent to the raft. And Tony really didn't want that for someone else.

So far Ross has been oblivious to Spider-Man and his actions, and didn't know anything about him. But Tony feared it wouldn't last much longer.

Tony was currently in his lab working on a new design for his iron-man suit, seeing as FRIDAY was working on keeping tabs on Spider-Man and there was nothing he could do right now for the accords.

He felt more refreshed then he had in a while, he had passed out in the lab and when he woke up he was in bed. When he had finally got out of bed, he saw Pepper, Happy and Rhodey talking and they said they had found him down there passed out. Pepper then proceeded to lock him out of his lab for 48 hours and force him to eat, sleep and shower.

'Boss, I got something,' FRIDAY voices, startling Tony slightly before he regained his composure and paused his work.

"What have you got FRI?" Tony questions, looking up at the ceiling as though FRIDAY was actually there.

'Spider-Mans real name is Peter Parker. He lives with his Aunt, called May Parker in Jackson Avenue in Queens. His Uncle, Ben Parker was shot by a robber a few weeks ago. His parents were killed in a plane accident and he goes to Midtown Tech Highschool and is 14 years old,' FRIDAY concluded.

Tony sat in shock for a moment. Not only was Spider-Man a child, but he had been through so much already. Although it was slightly similar to Tony, he had been at least a little older, and he hadn't had that much death in his life, at least not at that age.

"Isn't Midtown tech that really smart school?" Tony asks, the name ringing a bell for him as he had a few schools that were known to be the smartest in the country and were able to have some Stark industries quizzes to see how good they were.

'Yes Sir, it appears Peter is the best performing in his school, with an IQ of 190.'

Tony's eyes widened in shock, that kid was smarter than him. Tony had an IQ od 186, and this Peter kid had one of 190. An idea begun to spring to mind as he remained thinking for a moment.

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