"Surely there is something we can do."

Peter stayed silent and looked away with a sigh. He knew he could probably talk to Tony, Hell, the man could say one thing and have it all sorted. But Peter couldn't have that. He couldn't use Tony like that; Peter had just started to feel like he was getting somewhere, but of he were to do this, he would feel as though he was using him.

"There's nothing we can do Ned. It's okay though, I'll be fine," Peter sighed before pulling a small smile on his face to try and not scare Ned too much.

He was fine.

It would be fine.

Ned looked as though he wanted to protest but Peter didn't let him as he lightly grabbed his arm and pulled him towards their class. Peter knew he was done for later, but he made sure to keep it to himself.

He could handle it, after all, he had been handling it nearly his whole life.


The bell for the end of the day rung and Peter held back a shiver. Normally he would be more than happy to leave and go off into the world, but this time he knew what was coming, and he knew there was no way of him getting away in time.

Slowly, Peter placed everything in his bag before pulling it over his shoulder. He also had to go 'home,' after this, something that he normally never did do, but he needed to grab his things for tonight as he was planning on staying with Bucky and maybe the others – well, that's what he hoped to do – and as much as he wanted to carry it all around, he knew he couldn't.

Once the bag was slung over his shoulder he moved towards the door and tried to keep to the shadows. Really, he knew he could get away without being seen, but he also knew it would end a lot worse for him by the time it was Monday.

The double doors were just coming into view when his senses screamed at him and hands were pulling him in through a door that smelled of chemicals that burnt his nostrils and stung his eyes.

However, before he even had the chance to process all of this, punches and kicks were being reined down upon him. He couldn't fight back, so all he could do was curl protectively into himself and cover his head with his arms.

"You deserve this Parker, and you know you do," Flash spat, fisting some of Peters hair to pull his head up, making Peter wince sharply.

Without having to check, Peter knew some of his ribs were bruised, and maybe some even broken. In the back of his mind, Peter was a little worried something might happen when his ribs get broken. After all, the chances of a rib puncturing a lung is very high and yet (as far as Peter knows) he hasn't punctured a lung yet.

Yet, that is.

Peter could feel something wet making its way down Peters face, and he knew there was a cut somewhere on his head. Even the heavy scent of chemicals in the air, there was still an underlying smell of blood tinting the air.

He knew, even if he didn't want to admit it, there were now a lot of bruises covering the majority of his body from all the kicks and punches and they probably won't be healed in a while. His super healing had slowed a little because he didn't get to eat as much anymore and his healing was constantly having to fix something.

"Jesus, you are pathetic," Flash glared before dropping Peters head, delivering one swift kick to his face before walking out.

Darkness danced around Peters vision and he was sure he was about to pass out. He blinked sluggishly and spat out the blood that was growing in his mouth from something he wasn't too sure about right now.

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