Chapter 5

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AN: So, I'm trying something new with how I write and where I do it. So, if it looks different or a little weird, that's probably why.


God, does she ever shut up?

Kei considers jumping from the roof again to escape Ikari's incessant jabbering.

She had stared at him through every class they had together, her eyes making Kei's skin crawl. Then at lunch, she had followed him up to the roof, plopped down beside him, and proceeded to talk his ears off through his headphones. He was starting to regret helping the girl.


Kei scowls at her when she taps his shoulder.

"I was thinking maybe we could go get coffee or something after school.", she continues, ignoring his glare, "Talk about our report? Unless you have somewhere else in mind, I know a place with great boba".

Kei stares at her for a moment, considering his options.

Well, I don't have any plans. And we have to do the project in order to get a decent grade. Aw hell.

Kei sighs in defeat. "Yeah sure. Better than sitting around here, and if we go to my place you'll just gossip with my dad".

Ikari flushes slightly, twisting her hands in her lap. "Yeah well, your dad is fun to talk to..."

"So you've mentioned." Kei grins at the page in the book he's reading. "Multiple times."

She humphs, crossing her arms in a pout. "What is that book anyway? You seem to really like it, judging by how reading it is all you've done today."

Kei hesitates for a moment before replying, "Rule of Wolves. It's the most recent release in a series by an American author, Leigh Bardugo." He glances over to see her staring at him in confusion.

"It's in English. I taught myself how to read it." He tries explaining, "You've most likely never heard of it. I had to wait quite a while for each book because the library had to order it overseas."

She blinks at him. "How long did it take you to learn English? We started learning last year and I can barely speak a sentence! Let alone read it!", Ikari exclaims, her voice rising with her disbelief.

Kei shrugs, turning back to his book. "I've had a lot of time to practice. I picked up bits and pieces of several languages through books. It helps to be a fast reader with a lot of time on my hands. That's how I keep my grades up easily as well; I just read ahead so I can do things I actually like."

Ikari opens and closes her mouth, eyes wide, clearly flabbergasted. Kei struggles not to laugh, watching her out of a smaller eye on his cheekbone.

She looks like a fish.


Kei walks with his hands stuffed in his pockets, a step behind Ikari with music in his headphones. For the first time since that morning, she wasn't talking. Honestly, Kei was a little weirded out by it.

At least she isn't gushing about my dad. Kei sighed internally. Honestly, it's like she's got a crush on him or something. He shudders at the thought.

The two of them had left school about thirty minutes ago, right after the final bell. Kei had shortened his stride to keep behind the tiny girl as she led the way to the tea place she had mentioned.

Indefinite [BNHA x Male OC] by FluffBunWifuuNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ