"Right. Are... Are you all good?"
"Yep. Your skills have improved, kid."
"I'm glad I was able to help."
Bill smiled at him, appreciating my genuine nature. However, he noticed something behind me. Down among the trees. He whispered to me, dragging me below the "He's here. Through the trees."

I glanced over, seeing him looking intently at what I presume is another survivor.

"We should find another gen to work on."

"Right..." I looked around, and Bill vaulted the side of the harvester, heading down to a generator within the middle of the corn. I was going to join him when I saw the Ghostface return. He was chasing a redhead by the name of Mikaela Reid. She was skilled with magic, using the Killer's totems within the trails against them. However, she was injured, and running this way. As she rushed up to where I was, I tensed. I let her go past, before Ghostface rounded the corner. I ran at him, using my momentum to slam him into the wall, before running away. He swiped at me after recovering from hitting the wall, while I ran down the ramp. I had to make sure I got him away from an advantageous position. They were clearly enraged, chasing me down. A chime sounded in the distance, a good sign. It was the first gen, and nobody had been caught yet. Just then a second gen popped. It was near the silo, from my estimation. However, I wasn't done running yet. I found another "killer shack". It was made from abandoned scrap and old wood. I couldn't hear him, which was a problem. His shroud broke when I knocked him into that wall... and now it's been longer than a minute... His power must have recovered in that time. I need more data.

Waiting at the pallet, I listened for movement when I saw him. He was looking through the wall. He's stalking! I have to move! In response, I quickly ran back through the door, towards a couple of windows. I hoped he would reveal himself when he followed, but he did not. Continuing on, trying to distract him, I bolted through the corn. Looking back, I could corn rustle as he stalked his way closer... and closer... and closer... Eventually I could see his white mask shine through.

It was then that I was gripped by an almost unbearable headache. That's... I have to be careful! In the next structure, there was an unbelievably large wooden pallet resting against the wall, and a window in the opposite corner. I led him around the pallet, and he waited, expecting me to drop it in a panic. But I had been taught how to lead the killers around, and was only putting it into practice right now. He tried to cut me off, but I headed back to the pallet, an invaluable resource right now. The migraine was just as bad as when it started, making it hard to concentrate, however, it was at this time that Ghostface decided to attack, and I slammed the pallet down on him.

He only gasped in pain, as if he was just a ghost, like his namesake mask implied. During his stun, I moved, quickly running to an area I knew was safe. The silo had a really safe window. As far as I've seen, most killers can't, or don't choose to vault quickly over vaults like survivors do. That will give me distance! As I approached, I could hear him right behind me. His power was on cooldown, but he'd catch up if I wasn't careful.

It was then that I saw an opportunity. A pallet, directly ahead. I was going to drop it as soon as I got to it, to give myself some breathing room. He expected this, but at this point it didn't matter. As I vaulted through the window, the headache I've been carrying for at least a full minute finally dissipated. He was able to hit me just as I vaulted through the window. It was painful, but not incapacitating. Izuku stayed at his same speed, having to continue running in order to not fall over.

Continuing to run, another gen popped in the distance. The Ghostface was beyond angry, seemingly running faster. He realized that he wouldn't make it to the next pallet. It was right there....

And then I felt the knife in my back. Falling to the ground, I struggled to get up and crawl away... when I was dragged back and picked up. I wiggled and struggled against his grip as hard as I could, but it was no use. A hook was right around the corner. As he was hooked, Izuku heard the chime of another gen. One left to go... I'm glad they could get through this as they did.

The Ghostface looked at me, tilted their head, and left. Their presence masked by their power. I didn't see which way he went.

Mikaela had to give mad respect for the new kid. He tackled the Ghostface head on and took the chase for four gens. That was incredible. It was unfortunate he went down at all. Looking around, she found what she was looking for. A pyramid form made from human bones, adorned with three skulls on the top. The candles inside were unlit. It was a dull totem. However, it would serve her purpose just fine.

Pulling out one of her few possessions from her world. It was a book of incantations. Where she was from, magic didn't exist, but old texts did. Now, however, in this realm, magic was real. And hers worked. It worked because it was based on belief, similar to the Hag's traps and other hexes the killers used. She spoke quietly, muttering the ancient words. Eventually, the candles beneath the totem sprung to life in an unnatural yet peaceful blue. She could feel the positive energy in the air, as it effected this area of Torment Creek. Closing the book, she put it away just in time for Bill to arrive. She spoke up. "Jake's on the last gen. We have to help the kid."
"Of course. I hope he isn't being camped. He did one hell of a chase for that."
"Wouldn't put it past this one. Ghostface usually remembers things like this. C'mon."

They both made their way to him, walking carefully through the corn.

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