chapter two

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I went down stairs, opened the door and saw Gilbert Blythe. "Hello Alice." I heard come from the tall, brunette. "Hello Gilbert, what are you doing here?" I asked a bit confused. "Your father let me borrow one of his books and I am here to return it." "Well you could come in if you want," I offered Gilbert. "Sure I don't have anything planned for today." he replied. My parents and Ruby went to Charlott Town so they wont be back until half an hour." "That is fine we could just talk." "Ok would you like some tea?" I offered. "Ofcourse." Gillbert said with a smile.

"How has your father been?" I asked bringing him tea. I sat on the same seat as Gilbert with quite a bit of room between us. Gilbert's smile turned upside down. I noticed very quickly. "oh I am s-." I was cut off by Gilbert. "It is fine Alice you didn't mean to cause any harm." He paused and the room went silent. "Please don't tell anyone but he is getting worse and I am scared he won't make it." "He will," I replied very fastly. "And if you ever need me I will be here for you" I said with a smile. He smiled as well. Gilbert looked at me and our eyes locked. I felt something. Something I have never felt before it felt like butterflies had just erupted in my stomach.

I think I just understood what Ruby was talking about. About him looking at me a certian way. We just kept staring at eachother getting a bit closer but I heard the door open and I went back on to my side of the seat. My parents walked into the living room with Ruby following them. "Why hello Gilbert," my mother said with a smile. "Hello Mr and Mrs. Gillis. "Hello to you too Gilbert," my father replied. Ruby came out from behind my parents. "Nice to see you Ruby." Gilbert said with a half smile. Ruby just stood there frozen. "Hello," she said very softly.

"Mr. Gillis I came to drop off the book you lend to me and Alice put it in your office." "Thank you for letting me know." Gilbert just noded his head. "Well I need to go pick up something from the cutnberts so I will be back in around 40 minutes." Father said. "Alright then I will prepare dinner." Mother said. Ruby went to her room and mother headed to the kitchen to prepare dinner. about 10 minutes later Gilbert said he had to get home. "Are you sure you don't want to stay for dinner?" my mother asked. "thank you for the offer Mrs. Gillis but I must to get back home to my father." "Alright, tell him hi for me." "I will" he said with a smile.

I walked Gilbert to the door in silence. Right when we were at the door he stoped. He turned to me and sighed. "Well see you tomorow at school," he said with a fake smile. "See you tomorrow," I said with a smile. He opened the door and we said goodbye. A few miutes later father got home and mother told me to get Ruby for dinner. I went upstairs and old Ruby dinner was ready. "I will be down in a moment," she said giving me attitude. I just ignored her and headed downstairs. I had dinner and got ready for bed. I went to bed that night replaying Gilbert and I locking eyes in my head. Does he like me? I asked myself as I fell asleep.

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