chapter one

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I wake up from the beautiful ray of sulight coming through my window. I get up, change into one of my dress and head down stairs. As I am about to walk down stairs I hear a door close. I look up to see my sister. She didn't look very happy. "What happened, " I asked with a concerned look on my face. "You happened," Alice hissed at me. I asked confused, "I am sorry but what did I do wrong?" "Everything!" she yelled. "Please don't yell, mother and father are downstairs they could hear you, plus they wouldn't think that is very lady like, " I added. Ruby just looked at me. She walked right next to me giving a little shove into my arm. I just ignored her and headed down stairs following Ruby.

I entered the kitchen. "Good Morning mother and father, " I said with a smile. My mother responded with "Good Morning Alice." She smiled and looked at Ruby. She wasn't paying attention to mother I noticed she was staring at me. I see hatred in her eyes. 'hatred?' I asked myself. 'why would she hate me I have never done anything bad to her' Then it hit me. Gilbert Blythe! I always forget that she has a crush on him. How could I forget she has had the biggest crush on him for a year? I don't understand what she sees in him. Anyways let me me rewind and catch you up.

Hello! I am Alice Gillis(16) and I have younger sister named Ruby Gillis(15). She and I were sort of close. We werent attatched to the hip but we weren't distant either. We were neutral. That all changed once she noticed Gilbert Blythe(16). Everyone in Avonlee has known each other since they were young. The very first interacion with Gilbert that I remember was when we were 5 years old. He was trying to get my attention by 'stealing' one of my dolls. Since then we have been best friends. My question is how did she just notice Gilbert a year ago? We have know him our whole lives. Anyways Dian Barry(16) is also my best friend. She is very kind and likes going for walks. The very first time I remember seeing her was when my I was 4 and my parents invited the Barry's over for some tea. We went to my room and played with my dolls. We have became inseparable since then. Now that I have gotten you all caught up lets resume.

Ruby was staring at my with hatred in her eyes. I don't understand why she is mad at me. I have been friends with him before she got a crush on him. I just ignored her and enjoyed breakfast. Mother handed us our lunch and headed off to shool. As Ruby and I were walking she stoped. "How do you do it?" Ruby asked. "What do you mean?" I asked with a concern face. "How do you make him look at you like that?" "The way he looks at me? Who?" I asked. She yelled, "Gilbert!" I just stood there. I then thought to myself Wait what? What does she mean by the way he looks at me? "what do you mean the way he looks at me?" "Don't act stupid you know the way he looks at you with his beautiful brown eyes and.." Ruby says getting off side track.

"Ruby! Snap out of it! and he does not look at me a certian type of way." "Yes he does!" No he doesn't.." "Yes, do you ever pay attention to the way he looks at you? He is obviously inlove with you!" "No he isn't" "Yes he is, why do you think I have been jealous of your friendship with him?" I just stayed silent while we were walking. "I wouldn't have been jealous if he didn't like you." I just stayed silent and tried to think of something to change the subject. Then I thought of the perfect thing! The new girl in town. I believe her name is Ann. "Have you heard about the new girl in town?" "Yes I have. Didn't the cutnberts adopt her?" "I believe so," I said agreeing with her.

"I thought they were going to adopt a boy?" Ruby asked. "I have no idea what or who they were adopting." We walked for about 5 more minues talking about the new girl. We finally got to our destination. We entered the school, hung our coats, and put our lunches away. As we were about to head to our desks the door opened. I turned around to see the new girl. She had very pretty unique ginger hair. I have never met some one with ginger hair before. I also loved her freckles. Some one was standing besides her I looked to see Diana. I walked up to them. "Hello Diana," I said greeting her. "Hello Alice, this is Anne, Anne this is Alice." "Why hello Anne what a pleasure to meet you." "Hello Alice what a scrumptious pleasure to meet you," Anne said shaking my hand a little too hard.

I just smiled. "Anne likes to read a lot," Diana said with a smile. "Don't forget the E," Anne said. "What a lovely name" "Thank you Alice" "Everyone it is time to sit down and open up to chapter 8 on your books please," I heard a deep voice say. I turn around to see Mr. Phillips standing infront of his desk looking at the class. Everyone quickly sat in their seats. Anne took my seat and sat next to Diana so I took the seat the was behind Diana not knowing that was where Josie Pye(16) sits. When she saw me she just rold her eyes and sat next to Prissy. I turned to the right and I realised I will have to be sitting next to my sister for the rest of the school day. I glanced over to the boys side and there I saw Gilbert Blythe. He was looking near me. Was he looking at me? Ofcourse not he must be looking at Ruby. Was what Ruby said true?

As I was going off into my own world I heard a voice. "Miss. Gillis!" I looked up to see a not so happy Mr. Phillips. "Did you hear me?" Everyone was staring at me and I didn't know what to do I just sat there. "umm no Mr. Phillips I did not hear what you said." "You are cleaning erasers for half of your lunch time" "ok Mr. Phillips" He walked back to the board and told us to copy down what he writes. The rest of the schoolday went smoothly. When it was lunch I ate first. I ate with Diana and Anne none of the other girls seemed to really like Anne. When Ruby and I got home I went straight to my room. I grabbed the book I was currently reading, I sat in the chair that was in the corner of my room. Mother, father, and Ruby went to Charlett Town to go get a few things from the stores. About a few minutes later I heard the door knocked. I went down stairs, opened the door and saw-

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