Pierre chuckles, "Well, I must say I'm very excited and proud of my son," the group silently laughs at his fatherly actions towards the 21 year old boy, "I'm sure we're all proud and excited to watch Trey perform as a soloist for the first since he started ballet," he turn to his friend who nods in agreement, "But, I think I will leave the rest of the answer to my youngest," he turn to Tong Yao, gently grabbing by the arm and pushing her to the front, "I think her answer is the most preferred answer and the answer all wants to hear,"

Tong Yao grimace at her friend before smiling at the reporter, "Well," she nervously starts, "As, my dad here said," she signals to Pierre, "I'm also very excited to watch this performance, and very proud of him to perform as a soloist, all must know Trey isn't really comfortable performing on his own, it's one of the main reasons why we both decided to stay as partners even though it will benefit both of us more if we did solo."

She pauses, thinking of other words to say before continuing, "And I'm also very excited to see this performance, because of my team, they've messaged me last night restlessly complain and panicking how they'll surely mess the who routine because it doesn't feel right that I'm not with them, some of them, *cough* Trey, begged me to return and perform with them again, saying how the company will allow it,"

"And are they right? Does the stage look and feel different without you?" the reporter asks with a sweet smile, "Because to me, for certain that stage doesn't seem right without you, standing in the middle, ready to start the show."

Tong Yao laughs at the statement shaking her head, "I might not be standing on that stage, dancing with them, but one things is for certain, that stage will always be the same, with or without me," she looks at the camera, "That is why I'm asking to all that even though I'm not in the team anymore, not performing anymore, I ask of you to continue supporting my team because whether I've retired and have chosen a new path of career, they will always be my first home... Opéra National De Paris will always be my team no matter what and I will always be with them through everything, and every step of the way, just like how it's always been,"

"Even if they've found a new Prima Ballerina?" the report asks and Tong Yao nods without hesitation.

"Even if they've found a new Prima Ballerina," She repeats with confidence, "I don't plan of actually fully plan on leaving them behind, burying them at the back of my memories," she laughs shivering, "I could not dare,"

The report laughs along with Tong Yao, nodding her head as she continues, "I don't think anyone here would dare forget you as well, Prima," she compliments sweetly, "But, all wants to know, are you going to stay in the industry? Be a professional ballet coach?"

Tong Yao's smile suppresses slightly, not knowing how to answer the report's questions. Her quietness seems to shake the reporter, not expecting the former Prima Ballerina to hesitate in a question that most former primas and primos will never hesitate to answer. Tong Yao's friends also starts to frown, wondering why their friend, who loves ballet so much is hesitating to answer.

Jin Yang smiles and step beside Tong Yao, hooking her arms with the girl, opening her mouth to say something. However, Tong Yao beat her to it by shaking her head, surprising everyone around her.

"Well," Tong Yao smiles, "I will make that decision once I finish my university...and there's something waiting for me back home," her smile widen at the hint of her knew profession, "I'll finish what I need to do first and then decide,"

"So, there might be a chance we might not see you back in the industry?" The report asks solemnly, even more sad when Tong Yao nods her head.

Taking a deep breath, Tong Yao looks straight into the eyes of the reporter, "I'll still be in the industry, visit from time to time, maybe even coach when I have free time," she answers softly, "I will never be able to leave this life behind me, it's a big part of me and it's been with me through ups and down, so don't you all worry, I'll still be here...just not full time," smiling she continues her answer, "but rest assure, this former Prima right here is born to be in the spotlight no matter what,"

The reporter smiles satisfying, loving Tong Yao's answer to all her question, honest but demur, perfectly fitting her image of Amora Wang, courtesy name Cheng Xiao Feng, the daughter of the mysterious rich family in China.

"Well, fans all around the world would like to know if you'll still be doing modelling," she states looking at the group, "all of you?"

Mattheo takes his turn and step up beside Tong Yao's other side, draping an arm around her shoulder, "For sure," he smugly assures the globe, "There is no way we'll ever stop modelling and rest assured guys, you will always see us...maybe not this shorty," he pats the head of Tong Yao, earning himself a jab on his ribs, laughing he continues, "She'll be busy so don't be too upset when you don't see her, we'll just photoshop her in,"

"Right, right, right," Theodore nods with his hands in his pockets smirking with happiness, "We'll pick the ugliest picture too, so don't you all worry," Tong Yao frowns and throw the person behind her a glare which he only arches an eyebrow too.

Jin Yang laughs before speaking her mind, "I'll be sure to take some pictures ahead," she too receives another pouting glare from the little girl beside her, "And I'll make sure to keep you guys updated on little Xiao here," she uses her spare hand to squeeze Tong Yao's cheeks together, "She'll be too busy to update you guys on her life,"

Laughing at the interaction of the famous friend group, the reporter quickly ends her interview and let the friends get going inside. Waving to the paparazzi's and posing some more before Jin yang and Pierre starts pushing them with force to go inside the theatre room.

Nearing the entrance of the room, a tall handsome and 19-year-old male stand by the entrance, hands in his pockets. Looking from the ground, he suddenly smiles before jogging towards his friends, not caring about anyone in the world nor people who will look at them weirdly. Lu Yue jumps up and into his best friend's arms, Mattheo Westwood. Mattheo catches him perfectly in time, twirling around as though they were a married couple.

Jin Yang shakes her head whilst Pierre stare at the two with amusement. Putting the second youngest down on the ground, Lu Yue turns and hugs Tong Yao tightly.

"I miss you!" he places a big fat kiss on her forehead ruining her bangs and earning a slap from Tong Yao, "ouch," he pouts before giving Jin Yang a hug and kiss on the cheeks and greets the two oldest, Theodore and Pierre

"Don't touch my hair," Tong Yao sneers and fixes her hair with the help of Jin Yang, "And I've only been away for four months, don't act as though I ignored your messages," she rolls her eyes.

Lu Yue rolls his eyes at his childhood best friend, lazily draping an arm around her shoulders before they continue their way inside chattering among each other. Mattheo and Lu Yue stays on each side of Tong Yao whilst the two oldest males walk on each side of Jin Yang, as though they were now the bodyguards of the two girls.

Finding their seats each seat in their perspective positions, Pierre, and Theodore together, beside Theodore is Jin Yang who seats beside Tong Yao and then the last two boys Lu Yue and Mattheo on Tong Yao's side. Everyone around them continues to glance at the group, attracted to the group and always finding them, no matter how hard they try to look away. As though the group of visuals enchanted them to give their attention towards them.

Reports and cameras still flash inside the theatre, mostly taking shots of the six friends, especially Tong Yao. But never stop the two young boys from posing as well, making Tong Yao chuckle and shake her head as she smiles and wave at the cameras.

Soon the lights suddenly shut off, every flashing camera immediately stop and the doors close. Everyone chattering quiets down and the theatre room seem like there was no one inside the room, like an empty room. Taking a big breath, Tong Yao smiles widely, heartbeat pounding against her rib cage. She somehow feels like it is her performing again, the nervousness as the curtains slowly opens and the music start...Tong Yao feels like she's back home again.

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