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Okay this was not part of the plan.

When we were leaving Lainey came out of nowhere hopping in Cole's car. I'm trying to cheer him up and she's going to make it worse. I decided to ignore her and drove to a Burger King not far away. We got out me practically dragging Cole inside and sitting him down in a booth while I ordered our food. Lainey sat with us on her phone while waited for our number to be called.

Cole had his head on his arm looking at the wall. I heard our number called and went to got the food. I put down my tray and lift Cole's head putting his tray down and decided to sit beside him while Lainey went to go get her food.

"Come on I got your favorite. I even got the sauce you like," I put his straw in his cup and opened his dipping sauces and dipped his fry in it putting it to his lips. He sighed and I put the fry down eating my own food.

"Your going to have to eat sometime I am not letting you just sit here and not eat," Lainey, who sat back down at the table when I was unsuccessfully feeding Cole, looked at up from her phone at us then rolled her eyes looking back at her phone.

I pick up another fry and dipped it in the sauce holding it to his mouth. He ignored it laying his head on my shoulder.

After a few tries I gave up grabbing a bag for his food and we left. After dropping Lainey off at a friend's house I drove Cole and I to my house so we can just chill and I could probably get him to eat.

Dragging Cole out of the car I pulled him into the living room since no one was home and turned on the game I had recording yesterday. If this doesn't get him out of his funk I don't know what will.

An hour into the game our team fumbled the ball and Cole jumped up yelling at the screen.

"Are you serious how could you just fumble the ball like that you got to be the dumbest person alive. You miss the ball and then you just carry on like nothings wrong. I hate you you cheating liar. You snake I don't know what I saw in you I'll never forgive you for this," Cole let out some steam I had a feeling Taylor would come up sometime.

Cole flopped down on the couch and angrily took his food which I had on the coffee table and bit into his sandwich. I look between him and the game not knowing what to say. At least he's getting his feelings out.

He ate his food and we finished watching the game. At around 6pm my brother and parents were home and I got a message from Jackson about a get together that he was throwing and I texted that we would be there.

I went to my room and put on a pair of jeans and a simple tshirt spraying myself in some cologne when Cole came in.

"Where you going," he sat on my bed and I put some clothes in my gym bag.

"We are going to a get together at Jackson's tonight," I made sure I had my charger and everything was cleaned up.

"I am not going nowhere. And you know that Jackson's 'get togethers' are just big parties," he looked at me pick up clothes off the floor before grabbing my bag.

"Well I am not going to let you mope around all night and you said we were hanging out this weekend. Do you really want to spend it crying in your room," I turned off my light going to tell my parents that I was staying with Cole this weekend before leaving.

"I don't feel like being around a bunch of random teenagers. How about we just chill at my house and watch the game," he drove us to his house. I put my bag down even though I have clothes here I brought something else.

"No way man go clean yourself up and I'll give you your outfit," he walked away muttering to himself and I picked him out a pair of skinny jeans and polo shirt giving him the clothes and I went to pick out his shoes.

Time Skip (because it's crazy)

We've been at this party for about an hour and I am glad it is Friday. I lost Cole about 45 minutes ago and I'm not gonna lie I haven't really looked for him. I look around and see Taylor dancing on some guy he looks familiar but I can't remember his name.

I decided to look for Cole because who knows what happened to him. I looked in the kitchen not seeing him then went to the back yard which is a whole different party. All I see is naked people girls, guys, maybe even transgenders. It was then I knew it was time to go. I went to turn around and heard what like Cole arguing with some guy. I turned back and if the situation was serious I probably would have laughed. My best friend Cole was arguing with some guy naked guy about some muscle head who was also naked and by the looks of it he was turned on the muscle head not Cole.

I sighed walking over to them.

"What happened," I stood in front of Cole and the guy tries to argue with Cole even though he is behind me.

"He tried to get with my man he was flirting with him all night I saw it and now he's trying to run away cause I'm about to whoop his a**," this guy is like 5'5 trying to get around me to hit Cole. Cole is just standing there looking at this dude trying to attack him and pushed me aside. The guy attacks him and they both go down and I grab the little guy pulling him off Cole since he was trying to choke him while his supposed man is standing there smirking at us. I threw the guy at his boyfriend and went to get Cole up. It wasn't as easy as it seemed seeing as he was 6'0 but he was lean. I look around for his clothes finding a pile of clothes by the door.

After looking for about five minutes I found his clothes putting them on him dragging him to his car. Cole was drunk or at least tipsy so I went to the drivers seat driving us to his house. We got there a little after 1am but his sister still be up so I took his phone and texted her to open the door. I threw Cole over my shoulder since he passed out about 10 minutes after we got in the car and made my way to the door which opened as soon as I tried to reach for the handle.

"Hey Q," she says standing in the middle of the doorway as if I wasn't holding her brother.

"Hi can you move he's getting heavy and my arm's going numb," I moved around her only for her to follow me to his room where I threw him on his bed. Lainey stood in the doorway while I grabbed a pair of shorts and a tshirt for Cole and I. I looked over at her with a 'get out of here look' and she rolled her eyes walking away. I shut the door locking it and decided to change and brush my teeth first. After I finished I went over to Cole who was snuggling his pillow with his legs hanging off the bed.

I wrestled the pillow out of his arms and took to the bathroom to get the grass stains from his scuffle off before I put clean clothes on him. After cleaning Cole I put him under his blanket where he yanked my arm and laid on top of me. I tried to move only for him to tighten his grip to follow me so I just laid there and eventually dozed off.

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