Chapter 7

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System rebooting...

System rebooting...

..ake up...

...Wake up...


My eyes start to slowly open to a familiar voice yelling at me. Once my vision became clear, I take a look around before seeing that my hand were tied behind me. Looking in front of me, I see the rest of the group in the same posture as I was.

M16: Finally, I thought you would never wake up. How are you feeling?

M4A1: My head hurt a little and my legs are not working but I'm ok. What happens?

M16: You don't remember? Those bastards hit us with an EMP. We have been out for a few hours now. To make it worse, we cant get in contact with the commander.

This is bad. We don't have our weapons and we cannot move. Looking around I realize we are inside the dome in the camp. I see some red buildings and people wearing Scientifique uniforms.

???: Finally awake I see.

I look to the side to see the "director" and "doc" looking at me with a smile on their faces.

M4A1: Why are you doing this?

Director: Simple. For your technology of course.

All of the T-DOLL: WHAT???

Director: You see, where we are from, T-doll are none existent. As such, the best way to make one is to capture a few. Do not worry, once we have everything we need from you, we will send you back... After making sure you won't remember this of course.

Oh no.

Director: Let's start with you shall we. Bring her to the operating room.

Two soldiers approach me and start to drag me as I try to free myself. Some of the others try to stand to help but were quickly stopped by the other guard.


The director just smirks before leading me to the second building which appears to be some kind of office. Climbing a set of stairs, I was shoved inside a room before being pushed onto a table. Some other people in scientist uniforms strap me to the table. I was helpless, I could not move. The director approached me smiling.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2022 ⏰

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