Chapter 2

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Captain James "SINNER-1" Riker

It's been two days since our arrival here, and so far nothing. My patience was running out and the cold was not helping. the guy and I were still waiting for any new information, any clue that could give us a lead on VIPER location. While waiting, I start to ask myself why they were there. What are they looking for? What do they plan? So many questions and no answer. To make matter worse, we could not establish contact with G&K. First because they have more than likely change their code, and second because VIPER could be listening to it. I let a sigh escape before standing up to take a small walk around the castle. Some soldier working on vehicles, other were on patrol and some were just relaxing. As I was about to go toward the small cantina, a soldier came rushing at me saying:

Soldier: Sir, the commander wants to see you right away.

I look at him confused before walking toward the command center. Inside, the commander who was talking to some squad leader motion me to approach before finally saying what I was hoping for.

Commander: Captain, I have good news. One of our recon team has spotted and confirm activity in a small village 5 km from here. They can't get close but I'm sure it's not gonna be a problem for you?

James: Get us there and we take care of it.

Commander: Good, a helo will drop you at LZ condor. you leave in an hour. Our team on the ground will provide security from a distance if reinforcement arrives on site. Dismiss.

I immediately make my way to our barrack to gather the other. Only one thought was going through my mind.




The helicopter finally lands near the small camp where that company was waiting. Getting out, we were met with what I could think was the one in charge.

???: Ah welcome welcome. I am happy to see you all here.

M4A1: It is a pleasure mister..?

???: Please call me doc like everyone else. I wish we could talk more, but we have to hurry. We saw ELID close. We cannot stay here. Our truck is ready to leave, come, we must reach the location before it's too late.

I just nod at that before we all climb inside the truck. As we depart, M16 cannot help but ask something.

M16: I just realize, some of these men have weapons and armor. Why did you hire us?

Doc: These men are members of our company, they are trained but are not as good as you ladies. And they are only a few of them. We cannot go into such a dangerous area without being well prepared.

M16: Fair enough.

As we move toward the location I could not help the feeling that something was no right. Maybe it was just paranoia. Add to the fact that this company has weapons and armor that I never saw before. Something was wrong.




Pilot: PAPA BEAR this is Angel-1, SINNER is boots on the ground over.

PAPA BEAR: Understood Angel-1, RTB, out to you. SINNER, this is PAPA BEAR. You are clear to proceed. RV with FOX and move to your objective, over.

James: Copy PAPA BEAR, out. Alright on me.

As the guys gather around me, I take a quick look at the GPS

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As the guys gather around me, I take a quick look at the GPS.

James: Alright, we are 2 klicks from FOX position. We go there, see what they have, then we move to the village and pray to God it's VIPER, got it?


James: Alright, let's move.

We start our walk toward Fox's position, but I still could not shake the feeling that something bad will happen.


Here the new chapter, sorry it took a while, I had a case of writer block. Add also the fact I recently buy a VR headset so...... gaming time ^^ anyways, VIPER is dragging the girls and sinner is heading the same way. we will see how it play out ;)

see ya

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