Chapter one Death

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The day when Wilbur Soot  had decided to apologize to
To Niki  only to find his fox son

The one he had forgotten to take care of


His beloved champion

And more nicknames he gave him

Only to be met with fundys face of anger
Eyebrows furrowed

His eyes tightly closed

His scoffs loud and growled  .

He may have found comfort for a few hours with him  ,spending time together like they used before the nations began and went but only to discover how much pain was Fundy was in mentally

His self esteem


The lack of care he provided him and safety when in the past only to see the consequences of his own actions.

His own son killed himself by jumping off the bridge in Lmanburg center

The giant while with the independence flag and freedom

The moment he finally feels the pain he made a Phil go through

Seeing the death of his own son and not being able to stop it .


A woman with large angel wings flew around in her realm looking at the souls of the dead .

Finding a familiar fox in it

"Oh my XD "
She spoke with a painful cry.

Ch2 coming in july

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