"Saiki's back!" Y/n smiled seeing her pink-haired friend approaching with a more determined expression

"Yeah, no. Not happening. I'm not letting you taint her. She must remain ordinary. Maybe if it was Satou I would agree with this love." Saiki thought sitting back beside the girl making sure that Saiko never gets another time alone with the girl.

"Y/n is a nice girl. If you asked her out. There would be no way she would say no." Saiki frowned at the rich boy who seemed to be glaring at the pink-haired boy. They had a quiet understanding of the situation.

"Here are your drinks and appetizers!" The waitress spoke up placing the drinks down on the table while the waiter behind her placed down the mozzarella sticks and calamari in front of the group.

"Would you like to place your order down now?" The lady asked readying her notepad once again. Y/n waved over the girl who patiently watched the quiet girl point to the assorted sandwich option. There would be a spread of 6 different sandwiches that come with a side of fries

"Great! Would you like that toasted?" She asked and Y/n nodded excitedly. The lady walked away and Y/n smiled at how easy it was to order when you chose the quiet option like Saiki. Y/n stared at the appetizers practically drooling at the food. Saiki and Y/n were quick to snack on the mozzarella sticks and calamari. Y/n looked over at Saiko who waited silently with his arms crossed.

"Saiko. Are you going to have some?" Y/n asked hesitantly watching his face turn into an offended expression

"Excuse me? As if I would eat your commoner foods. That greasy thing is not coming near me." Saiko stubbornly scoffed and looked away. Y/n just smiled at the boy and held a mozzarella stick up to him

"Can't you just please try it?" Y/n asked not knowing just how comfortable the girl was with the teen. Saiki saw this and felt himself frown slightly

"When did you two get close? Was it while I was in the restroom?" Saiki questioned watching Saiko look over at her pleading eyes. Saiko felt his face heat up at the way she leaned forward towards the teen holding the greasy food. Saiko nervously opened his mouth not wanting to miss the opportunity of being fed by Y/n. He bit into the mozzarella stick and quickly backed into his seat more chewing the food. Y/n cheered silently and leaned back in her seat. She was shocked by her confidence but after they shared some things about themselves it seemed to ease her anxiety about the teen.

"It's disgusting," Saiko commented watching her shocked face as she sighed placing the rest of Saiko's bitten mozzarella in her mouth finishing the rest for him. Saiko felt himself smile widely like an idiot when the two had an indirect kiss.

"As if I would let that happen. I switched the two mozzarella sticks last second. I have yours right now." Saiki added placing the bitten mozzarella stick down on the table.

"Are you full Saiki?" Y/n asked

"Just saving my appetite for the fancy sandwiches. Also the dessert..." Saiki admitted turning around and waiting for the waitress. Y/n nodded pushing the small few appetizers away from her.

"I should wait too."



"Are you not hungry, Saiko? You only had a tiny bit of the mozzarella stick." Y/n muttered meeting the rich teen outside the cafe. Saiko looked away

"You're so nosey... My chefs made me a light snack while I was on my way here." Saiko explained watching Y/n's eyes light up

"That sounds cool," Y/n added watching Saiko nod

"If you'd like I can invite you over for a couple of days. You can enjoy the life of the riches. The most elite." Saiko suggested to the girl who frowned shaking her head much to Saiko's surprise.

"I don't want you getting the idea im only friend with you for your money or something like that," Y/n added watching Saiko's face heat up. Again the girl surprised him with something she would have never expected

"My own mom..." Saiko spoke in nearly a whisper but he was quick to shake his head dismissing the thought

"Your loss," Saiko added turning away from the girl.

"Packed your dessert, Y/n. Now you can enjoy it later in the comfort of your own home." Saiki said. Y/n smiled picking up the box of chocolate cake. She ordered the dessert and then immediately asked for the box so she could eat it all at home later. Y/n giggled to herself happy and excited to eat the dessert.

"I'm so glad we went on the same day there was a discount too!" Y/n smiled to herself knowing her wallet wouldn't be hurt too much. Saiki nodded relieved that he still had the money for clothes

"We might as well head back to the shop by now," Saiki said and the group made their way back to the clothing shop they were originally going to enter. Once they entered the establishment the first thing they saw was chaos and the second thing was a group of men and teenagers alike gawking in the corner of the store where the women's dressing room was. The three watched in silence as Hairo was attempting to control the situation but failed miserably. Kaido and Nendo were laughing at each other's horrible clothing. Yumehara was also trying on clothes with Teruhashi while getting zero attention from the boys, Kuboyasu exited the men's dressing room drenched in blood which made the worker almost pass out. And Mera was on the ground-hugging her stomach as if she were experiencing the worst stomach ache known to man.
The three watched silently as the chaotic energy continued through the store some bystanders rolling their eyes at the group of disrespectful teens.

"Saiki! Y/n! You're back!" Kaido yelled motioning the two to come over to their small quiet section. Saiki was quick to go over and Y/n made sure to grab Saiko by the edge of his sleeve and pull him forward.


It is currently May 24th at 10:45 PM... And I need sleep

... It's fine.
Summer starts tomorrow (May 25) after my last two exams. Yay. More updates!

I pray we all have a calm and peaceful summer break!
Whenever this reaches you, have a good! morning/afternoon/evening/and night! ... (I like that I might use that more)

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