Chapter 2

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Not even a few hours had passed, and Abel began to see the little bits of the wee morning poking up over the horizon. He sighed, retreated further back into his cave, and to his surprise, saw Raptor, sleeping there. Abel smirked, then kicked him off to the side, Which jerked Raptor awake. 

"AAGH!" He exclaimed in a human voice. 

Instinctively he got up and threw Abel against the wall of the cave. Abel slowly go back up and was pinned against the wall. 

"You kill and you die" Abel said. 

Raptor got confused for a moment, which gave Abel the time to push him off.  

"What's going on?" Raptor demanded. 

Once again Abel shrugged. He pulled his hood over his eyes and retreated to the very back of the cave, where it was nothing but darkness. Raptor tilted his head, he wasn't used to Abel being this docile. Let alone in broad daylight where there would be victims waiting for slaughter. He shrugged, and walked forward, to where the light reached furthest into the cave. He extended a hand out into the light, then pulled it back immediately. He looked down. There were severe burn marks on his fingers and palm, which were now raw and bloody. He clenched his wrist with his other hand, as the pain began to set in and retreated back into the darkness. What was going on? 

Raptor sat down and looked at his wounded hand. He turned it and saw that the back of his hand had been burned too. But why hadn't it healed yet? He held out his other hand and looked at it, before turning his gaze back to the burn marks. They disgusted him, but why? Surely he was used to this. The SCP foundation had done much worse to him in the past. Maybe it was because this time, it was self inflicted?

As he pondered it, Raptor began to observe his new physical form. With his uninjured hand, he began to trace his new body, starting from his wrist, moving up his arms. He made small motions and moved each joint, wincing as he clenched his wounded hand into a fist before releasing it back to a resting position. He traces his face where the cracks in his bony face had once been, cracks that had now become deep scars. He then put a finger in his mouth, rubbing it against his newly dulled teeth. Somewhere he hadn't been able to touch with an appendage besides his tongue while in his previous reptilian form. 

Now he had the time to, Raptor took in his new form with painstaking detail, learning every curve, feeling around his new body. It wasn't that he didn't understand how humans worked, he'd killed enough of them to figure out how they functioned. He simply wanted to understand and experience those functions for himself, now that he could.

It filled him with fascination, as well as an extreme contempt. He hated the fact that he'd turned into the one thing he sought to destroy, to obliterate off the face of the earth. Still, he didn't have any other option. Looking down, he realized his scales had turned into a simple article of clothing. Looking under it revealed deep scars, and marks, from previous battles, and torture sessions. His eyes also briefly shifted to the giant open wound that had been ripped into his chest, exposing his ribs. 

He didn't remember how or even when he'd gotten it, only that it never recovered. His gaze moved to his hand, which rested on his lap. Fearing that it too may never recover. A notion that not only bothered but irritated Raptor. He stared down at his wounded hand with contempt, noticing that where his claws had previously been, sat thin keratin sheets over his fingertips. 

'So fragile'  He thought to himself. 

Raptor left his mind to wander, looking out of the cave once to try and gauge the time, only to be blinded by the light, causing him to turn his head. As his vision slowly returned, Raptor looked back into the dark corner at the back of the cave, where Abel sat dormant on the floor. 

'Well? Say something'  Raptor seethed. 

He didn't understand why, but Abel's silence bothered him. He was used to the swordsman being loud, and brash, if not even a bit stupid. So seeing him dormant and in wait unnerved him slightly. He hadn't been bothered by Abel's shift in demeanor while he was trying to figure out his new body, but now, it felt intrusive. Raptor growled, then closed his eyes. Whatever the swordsman wanted, it could wait till he next woke up.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2023 ⏰

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