Chapter 1

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"I'm back~" His singsong voice rang out into the open air as Raptor, now a humanoid tumbled out of the drainage pipe, and into the safety of a stable world, or was it? 

The sky shone a little too bright, the light was burning holes into Raptor's eyes  but he quickly ducked underneath the pipe he had just escaped out of and took in his surroundings. The world looked like a complete blasted heath and the air was burning his skin, despite it being around midnight. The moon was high and the heat was unbearable so he opted to stay the night inside the drainage pipe, but with how unstable the area within was, it would be a fool's idea to go back inside and face to cognitohazards that awaited him. So he just slept outside, the intensity of his surroundings comparable to  that of his acid tank of a containment cell. If only those blasted SCP foundation researchers could learn something called personal space, it would save everybody a headache and a half. But alas, they would never figure that much out, so he adapted his body heat to withstand the temperatures around him and  adapted his skin to resist the burning, and eventually fell asleep.  

An hour later, Raptor woke up to a sudden pang of dizziness and somebody talking to him. Or rather talked at him. Then a blade descended on him, it's mark being his neck. Raptor caught the blade, no blood as it hit his now adaptively hardened skin, making the same sound as Metal hitting stone. It didn't hit it's mark and Raptor didn't hesitate to crush the feeble blade in his fist. 

"Huh? A warrior, likewise. Come" A new voice sounded into the open air as whatever was there extended a hand to him. 

As Raptor's vision cleared, he saw who was in front of him. A man, wearing a cloak, hood over his head, his long dark hair tied back and wearing the black MTF undergarments, the long sleeved black shirt and black pants, along with a pair of boots. His eyes remained unseen, but his mask, a makeshift repurposed bandana gave him away. 

"Abel" He addressed the man by name, then took his hand to support himself as he got up his nausea finally left him as the blood flowed to his head again. 

He groaned and then stretched. 

"It's still night" Raptor observed out loud looking down at the reflective sand. 

Abel sighed and didn't hesitate to attempt dragging Raptor away. Raptor pulled back, flipping Abel in the process who landed on his back with a loud thud. 

"Did they really send YOU after me this time. What a pain" Raptor stretched as Abel got back up and this time lifted Raptor, put him over his shoulder and left. 

"ABEL!!" Raptor yelled. 

Abel ignored him as he kept walking. Raptor slowly adapted to have smoother skin to be like that of rubber, and slid out of Abel's grip, tumbling a few feet back when he hit the floor.

Abel rubbed his arm, the looked at Raptor, who was getting up. 

"682... The dragon turned human. Hah" He remarked. 

Raptor didn't reply, Only walked away. 

"The sun's going to kill you" Abel taunted. 

Raptor whipped around and looked Abel, in curiosity for once, not pure rage. Abel pointed upward and shrugged. 

Raptor laughed, brushing off the thought of the rogue sun killing people. It was still night, but it explained how this blasted heath of a city had come to pass. 

"How?" He asked. 

"Don't know" Abel says. 

Raptor smiled, and with his human dexterity, flipped Abel off before walking away. Abel grinned and left him alone to the heat.  He quickly ran off into the desert, eventually retreating into a cave to sleep.     

Are you really my Alligator Dinosaur?!Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz